Must have seen one too many attacks on asian people by blacks. Government had to step in and take control as he was becoming radicalized by the truth.
Ukraine continues to single handedly defeat mighty Russia with nothing more than the military armament, intelligence, technology, and manpower backing of every western nation.
Probably Jews
Just another propaganda outlet where mods censor the truth. What I said was so obviously true the moderators had to intervene to put an end to it. They say it's "antisemitism" to point out Zelensky is a Jew and that Jews were helicoptered out of Ukraine to safety while Ukrainian men were stopped at the border, separated from their families, and forced into conscription.
Typical censorship bullshit just like with Gaza it's "antisemitic" to merely point out the truth of Jews misbehaving. Ukraine meat grindered their whole population of young men while rescuing Jews specifically not only letting them leave but assisting them in escaping this hell hole that they created.
"but what about republicans on the right!"
There are no winners. Anyone who identifies with the left or right political parties is a literal moron. There is no "norm" around unchecked historic levels of ILLEGAL immigration into America. The idea that you would even try to say it's totally normal for a President to abdicate from securing the border and then sue anyone who tries to resist a literal tidal wave of illegal immigrants from as far away as China is ridiculous. Abbott is in the right to try to secure the border, Biden, Democrats, the left, everyone else needs to figure it out. Having a secure border is important even Obama can tell you that he was a big proponent of border security and his kept illegal immigration at similarly low levels to Trump. It was only when the left tried to use illegal immigration to brand Trump a racist and invite everyone in saying "no one is illegal" that we've seen this out of control historic levels of illegal immigration.
Oops removed by mod, too much truth in what I said. The shill brigade downvoting wasn't enough they needed to make sure no one saw any counter points.
The idea of "eating ass" is an example of degenerate propaganda. This whole thing just "came out of nowhere" and suddenly everyone is talking about it on social media and taking part. Homosexuality is disgusting and there is a reason why homosexuals are riddled with disease. I don't care that some small portion of homosexuals doesn't have 5,000 lifetime sexual partners and a whole host of STDs. Very gross. I can't even imagine what the next generation of homosexuals is going to promote once eating literal shit isn't enough anymore.
They try to act like this isn't rooted in homosexual degeneracy. So many "main stream" artists and propaganda outlets promoting this and acting like it's totally cool, healthy, and a fun exciting thing everyone should be doing. Anyone who isn't a complete moron can see there is a coordinated push in the media to promote this behavior. I feel sad for anyone who hates themselves so much that they would make out with a butt hole because a pop singer or propaganda outlet told them it's in vogue.
Biden said it best.
Bombing the Houthis isn't working but the bombing will continue. Gotta empty those weapons stores as fast as possible so they can be rebuilt.
I really miss the peace we had under Trump. First President to not start a war in decades.
He's right. Biden is supposed to enforce the law. The US government isn't functioning as intended. Congress spends their time crying about the poor immigrants ignoring they have the power to reform immigration laws. Biden acts like it's his job to selectively enforce the law and ignore laws that were actually created by Congress. It's ridiculous. The only response anyone has to this obvious truth is "but the republicans won't let us change the laws!!!" Yeah, so what? The left is just embracing lawlessness and ignoring that a large portion of the country has no interest in allowing illegal immigration. They're basically throwing a tantrum that they can't get enough control of Congress to pass sweeping immigration reform but we also know that even when they do have total control and could pass such legislation they wouldn't do it. They've had a super majority and did nothing with it to deliver any of the promises their politicians make. It's pretty obvious the only thing anyone is trying to achieve here is to keep the slave labor pipeline open for corporations. None of these politicians care about "muh migrants."
Ukraine standing on it's own against mighty Russia. Just needs F16s and Cruise Missiles from the west. Maybe a few French militias. Some StarLink satellite intelligence. Just the usual. So brave.