I assume people who think the landing is fake assume the launch was too.
Half Captain But The Other Half This Time
See Picard in the anti-timeline from “All Good Things”.
Didn’t the EU force Microsoft to show third-party alternatives to Internet Explorer like a decade ago? I feel like this is the same thing.
Late Shift (an FMV) has been “screened” in theaters and the entire audience got to vote.
How do you get a “straight adaptation”? Doesn’t the story involve certain player actions to reach a good ending where everyone ends up alive?
As I recall there are some fake out moments which make future choices hard to get the good outcome.
The expense he was referring to was the Chilean sea bass, which roughly is priced at $30 USD per pound.
Is this the one where the family buys a house that has them living in the walls?
I hated this. Why did I watch these?
At least the plot was not spoiled. Modern trailers tend to do that (from what I’ve read in recent years).
That is why this is called a teaser.
This is the equivalent to someone saying they don’t need the calories.