Look, he wanted to meet Jack and he got to meet Jack. I’m happy for Wil.
Tickets are already available. I bought mine today. Check your theater(s).
I’ve heard supposedly those people got severely taxed for doing that.
Taxes? I don’t know full details or if this is even tangentially related (or maybe it is the same thing). There is a supposed practice as some universities (maybe just the non-UC’s and Cal State’s) that if you were a relative (I’m assuming immediate family only) working at say USC for example, you could get accepted into the university without paying tuition. The only catch was you got severely taxed (something like 30%; of what, I don’t know) for attending tuition-free.
On top of this the first movie is getting a re-release November 3 and 6 for the 10th anniversary. I bought my ticket. Didn’t see this in theaters.
I’ve only seen Chapter 3 and 4 in theaters. Definitely want to see this.
I’ve heard of people being told to drink vinegar to try and pass a THC test.
Considering the news out of Russia about making childless families ideology illegal has been in the headlines… does this dude think he works for Russia?
EDIT: Sorry, forgot to add the word “ideology”.
Is this some long-winded headcanon for why he has to interact with Picard in “Emissary”? I didn’t feel like they had any relationship to warrant that.
I’m sure this Judge would disagree with you. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-07/skelton-assault-weapons-ruling-california-ar15-pocket-knife
The time that elapsed was approximately nine years. A lot could have occurred in between.
Maybe when the first was written, sequels weren’t even considered yet?