Basket boi (beehaw.org)
submitted 2 months ago by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org

Alt text: an image macro / meme of a still from Futurama. Fry is looking upwards with determination on a backdrop of the city at night. The text says "I have no date, a two-liter bottle of shasta and my all-rush mix tape. Let's rock."

Tired (beehaw.org)
submitted 2 months ago by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

Babe wake up, new Jesse Welles just dropped.

There is promise in the morning

There is power in the blood

folks drink it for the feeling

I just drink jus because

I do what John Denver tells me

I wanna do right, don’t let anyone fail me

Let it be me

And only me

Let it be me

And only me

Let it be me and only me

Who fails me

submitted 2 months ago by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org

Alt text: a 50s style illustration of three skeleton mobsters wielding Tommy guns bursting into a room with several people inside posted on a website. The skeletons are wearing classic mob attire, trench coats, fedoras, ties. A user is replying, "Bones Malone and the spooky boys." Another user replies, "RATTLE 'EM BOYS! with a caption making an onomatopoeia of the 'unsettling rattling noises of three skeletons' ".

Alt text for some stupid meme can be challenging lol

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/music@beehaw.org

Yeah I gotta keep moving

Keep moving on

Almost every night, something ain't right

But I can't tell what's wrong

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/creative@beehaw.org

Alt text: an image of a large silhouetted military aircraft directly overhead, sideways to the camera. The background is a blue sky covered in wispy clouds. The sun is causing a lens flare effect, which is in turn causing the edges of the clouds to appear multi-colored.

I FINALLY GOT IT. Since I got back into photography a few months ago, I've been trying to get a good picture of this sonuvabitch, but I always miss it. They don't usually track military test flights, but for some reason this one was, and I just happened to catch it before it landed for the day. After this shot, it flew out of sight and ended its test flight, but I got it!

Military industrial complex go brrrrrrr, but this is also used for more pleasant things, like FEMA drops and such.

Shot with a Canon Rebel T7, 300mm lens focused at 135mm, ISO 100, exposure 1/250 sec.

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 13 points 2 months ago

<3 I appreciate you.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by godzilla_lives@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Thought this was a fun article to read, wanted to share. I think it's interesting that as societal and political views at large shift in the 2020s, it's good to go back and reevaluate how narratives are portrayed even as recently as 2015.


The crucible of how the game treats its profundity is in the relation between its white Founders faction, which is in power, and its rebellious Vox Populi, who are attempting to liberate the oppressed racial and political classes of Columbia. The player stands between these two forces, doing tasks for each in turn, eventually learning that both are insufficient in creating a good reality. As Chris Franklin highlighted in a recent video, this is a common refrain in projects that Levine has worked on: putting the player in the position of a mediating force between two extremes. The player can feel pulled, and compelled, toward different directions while ultimately being forced down a particular path. Playing as a character who is terminally in the middle of the road allows us to point fingers at any insufficiencies we see in the world around us — as King put it, “gamers like to feel smart,” and seeing the gaps of logic in the various worldviews on display can make us feel like clever social analysts. A player uses magic in their left hand while holding a gun in their right hand in a screenshot from BioShock Infinite.

From the vantage of 2024, it seems that one of the key problems of Infinite’s view from nowhere is infinity itself. No matter your viewpoint, Infinite seems to present you with some ideas that might align with your vision of the world and others that might challenge you. This is probably an admirable goal — art can give us perspectives on the world that we don’t yet understand, and that’s one of the many ways that creative expression can change us.

If there’s an issue here that generates the endless debates about whether Infinite is good, it’s that the game does not provoke us with a particular person’s, group’s, or ideology’s perspective. Instead, it just confronts us with the idea that many different ways of existing in the world are real, and any of them taken to their logical extreme will exclude all others. What produces the “both sides” problems of Infinite is a problem of imagination. Infinite is a universe of plural worlds, and if any of them takes over fully, everything goes bad.

Full disclosure, I was disappointed in the majority of the replies this got when I first posted it, and as a knee-jerk reaction I took it down. But I encourage you to at least read the quotes.


Alt text: a close up image of a juvenile leopard gecko. There is a wooden stick to the left of him and a glass jar in the background. Underneath him is a bed of dirt and mulch.

When I come in to check on him, he walks right up to the door of his tank! I guess he knows I'm the food-giver, lol.


Alt text: an image of an Embraer jet airliner banking as it comes in for a landing overhead. It is at an angle with a background of blue sky with wispy white clouds. The American Eagle livery is visible with the red white and blue tail shown.

Man I love living under a landing pattern! Took this last month, and I'm pretty stoked at how it came out.

Canon Rebel T7, 300mm, f/16, ISO 100, 1/250 exposure.

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 24 points 2 months ago

"They go low, we go high."

😂 🔫

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 11 points 3 months ago

My wife and ai keep talking about this. We plan to flee our deep south red state, but it fills us with survivor's guilt knowing we have the means to do so, and so so many just do not.

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 24 points 3 months ago

From my understanding, it was in orbit for three years before reentering our the atmosphere in an uncontrolled descent, then it fell through dude's roof.

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 16 points 3 months ago

I'm not sure what the purpose of this comment is. Sharks are insurmountably important for the oceanic ecosystem and the historic methods of research and development are really interesting. You have a greater chance of drowning at the beach, no question.

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 11 points 4 months ago

I'd say it's going well! The sun decided to come back out, literally and figuratively, which is great for my new plane photography hobby lol. Mother's Day was alright, we went to my aunt and uncle's with my dad to barbecue. First Mother's Day without my mom, which was rough, but it's just a celebration to capitalism more than anything, so keeping that in mind helped when seeing all the cards and flower displays at the store. I did allow myself the opportunity to feel sad by walking up to the card section and picking out the one I know I'd have gotten her (it had butterflies, which she loved).

Thanks for letting me journal like this. It really does help to write it out, kind of like writing a letter and not sending it to anybody.

Anyway, have some pictures. I'm getting into photography again, and I'm excited to share :)

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 31 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I believe Tim means to say that the spread of misinformation can be linked to the rise of Flat Earthers. That if we can only trust what we see before us, and we see a flat horizon, we can directly interpret this visual to mean that the Earth is flat. Thus, if we cannot trust our own eyes and ears, how can future courtroom evidence be trusted?

"Up to the Twentieth Century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality." -Bucky Fuller

^ basically that

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 31 points 5 months ago

I will drive my 2003 Envoy I inherited into the ground, and after that it's a 2008 Camry, and then I'll ride that into the ground. Good God, if kid-me would have known adult-me would have turned into a Luddite..

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 11 points 5 months ago

Congratulations Echo!!! That's no small feat of training, I bet you're proud :)

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 12 points 5 months ago

Heck yeah, that is so wonderful to hear!!

[-] godzilla_lives@beehaw.org 12 points 6 months ago

The living room here has an ornamental equine vibe—lit by a horse lamp, wall adorned with images of horses—except for the bookshelf, where what might have been a cowboy hat has been replaced by a Trump hat. Martha Chansley doesn’t subscribe to cable television. She believes that the buffalo is a “mystic” animal. When a reporter and camera crew from FOX 10 Phoenix descended on her house after her son had been taken into custody, she noted another mystical bond, this one with Donald Trump: “We are a part of him, and he is a part of us.”

I don't have much to add other than just how fascinating this is to me. It's just so interesting seeing how/why people end up believing this sort of thing, that crunchy-to-alt-right pipeline is real. Hell, I read Be Here Now and played TOOL on repeat back in high school in the Deep South, this could have easily been me. "Yeah man, turns out 'my shadow' is referring to Jungian psychological principles about about your self conscious and..."

Thanks for sharing, utterly fascinating read.

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