At 720p you can, not 1080p or 2160p - Linux meets minimal widevine
Trumped up charges? Doesn't trump like things named after himself?
Things like androidpay/apple pay type functions require a chain of security checks, on Android it's levels of safety net. some banking apps require similar
What's taters, precious?
Before the rise of Android and ios I'd have said it was possible, but the goal posts have shifted pretty far. Unless something backed by a corporate entity or government rises Up, it's a no. A chromeos type thing for smartphone is not going to happen for mass market, because there is already Android.
Discounting Android, the last mile of what a smartphone is capable of can not be accomplished in Foss manner, without end to end verified OS images and some kind of secure enclave for banking and "security" features, carriers and banks are not going to get on board any more. Convenience features like DRM video streaming, casting also probably are not achievable either
I feel like people should be careful uploading sensitive content to a service like this.
I pay $17AUD a month for a family plan
really? From the outside looking in, it looks like most Christians are atheists just putting on a show because it's expected of them. Its the only logical explanation for otherwise rational people buying into that twaddle
I can think of lots of reasons that will force me to have chrome installed if this goes ahead.
it might even go as far as being chrome on a supported OS (win/mac/cros/android with google play services)
When millions of dollars are at stake in the streaming wars, and I see dozens of near-zero-cost posts about how “this is exactly the Trek all us old Trek fans have been waiting for dudbebrodudes!!
Yes corporate shills are coming to lemmy of all places to astroturf, I bet they're all over usenet and dialup BBS as well
The back fingerprint reader used to have gestures, so swiping down on it could for example open the notification shade. Was really good for not having greasy fingerprints on your screen
I went back to a pixel, as I couldn't get my oneplus with lineageOS to do Android pay, after custom roms on all my phones since the HTC Dream, I have been running stock for the last 18 months, kind of miss it