[-] gerikson@awful.systems 5 points 1 hour ago

"Customer success" has been creeping into biztalk lately. According to Ed Zitron it refers to that subspecies of salescritter that works with SaaS ~~victims~~customers to ensure they keep expanding their buying.

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 2 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

People are "blatantly stealing my work," AI artist complains

When Jason Allen submitted his bombastically named Théâtre D’opéra Spatial to the US Copyright Office, they weren't so easily fooled as the judges back in Colorado. It was decided that the image could not be copyrighted in its entirety because, as an AI-generated image, it lacked the essential element of “human authorship". The office decided that, at best, Allen could copyright specific parts of the piece that he worked on himself in Photoshop.

“The Copyright Office’s refusal to register Theatre D’Opera Spatial has put me in a terrible position, with no recourse against others who are blatantly and repeatedly stealing my work without compensation or credit.” If something about that argument rings strangely familiar, it might be due to the various groups of artists suing the developers of AI image generators for using their work as training data without permission.

via @skinnylatte@hachyderm.io

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 51 points 17 hours ago

"tenant of white supremacy"

White Supremacy is the worst landlord.

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 5 points 1 day ago

You know that's for Gen 2.0

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 11 points 1 day ago

Inventor sez "I locked myself in my apartment for 4 years to build this humanoid". Surprisingly, not a sexbot!


[-] gerikson@awful.systems 14 points 1 day ago

A lobsters states the following in regard to LLMs being used in medical diagnoses:

If you have very unusual symptoms, for example, there’s a higher chance that the LLM will determine that they are outside of the probability space allowed and replace them with something more common.

Another one opines:

Don’t humans and in particular doctors do precisely that? This may be anecdotal, but I know countless stories of people being misdiagnosed because doctors just assumed the cause to be the most common thing they diagnose. It is not obvious to me that LLMs exhibit this particular misjudgement more than humans. In fact, it is likely that LLMs know rare diseases and symptoms much better than human doctors. LLMs also have way more time to listen and think.

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 7 points 2 days ago

True believers at Vox' Future Perfect "vertical" let out a hearfelt REEEEEE as Saltman makes the obvious move to secure all the profits


[-] gerikson@awful.systems 7 points 2 days ago
[-] gerikson@awful.systems 4 points 2 days ago

DOE remember Push Technology

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 14 points 2 days ago

LOL no-one who is really fucking rich is "cool".

Look at the world's richest people. Felon. Zuck. Saltman. Warren Fucking Buffet.

They're about as cool as used toilet paper.

[-] gerikson@awful.systems 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Your comment dissing the article penned by the de facto mod of this instance is around 2 times as long as the article itself. And no offense, dgerard has probably been writing on the internet for longer than you've been alive.


This season's showrunners are so lazy, just re-using the same old plots and antagonists.


“It is soulless. There is no personality to it. There is no voice. Read a bunch of dialogue in an AI generated story and all the dialogue reads the same. No character personality comes through,” she said. Generated text also tends to lack a strong sense of place, she’s observed; the settings of the stories are either overly-detailed for popular locations, or too vague, because large language models can’t imagine new worlds and can only draw from existing works that have been scraped into its training data.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by gerikson@awful.systems to c/techtakes@awful.systems

The grifters in question:

Jeremie and Edouard Harris, the CEO and CTO of Gladstone respectively, have been briefing the U.S. government on the risks of AI since 2021. The duo, who are brothers [...]

Edouard's website: https://www.eharr.is/, and on LessWrong: https://www.lesswrong.com/users/edouard-harris

Jeremie's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremieharris/

The company website: https://www.gladstone.ai/

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by gerikson@awful.systems to c/techtakes@awful.systems

HN reacts to a New Yorker piece on the "obscene energy demands of AI" with exactly the same arguments coiners use when confronted with the energy cost of blockchain - the product is valuable in of itself, demands for more energy will spur investment in energy generation, and what about the energy costs of painting oil on canvas, hmmmmmm??????

Maybe it's just my newness antennae needing calibrating, but I do feel the extreme energy requirements for what's arguably just a frivolous toy is gonna cause AI boosters big problems, especially as energy demands ramp up in the US in the warmer months. Expect the narrative to adjust to counter it.


Yes, I know it's a Verge link, but I found the explanation of the legal failings quite funny, and I think it's "important" we keep track of which obscenely rich people are mad at each other so we can choose which of their kingdoms to be serfs in.


Apologies for the link to The Register...

Dean Phillips is your classic ratfucking candidate, attempting to siphon off support from the incumbent to help their opponent. After a brief flare of hype before the (unofficial) NH primary, he seems to have flamed out by revealing his master plan too early.

Anyway, apparently some outfit called "Delphi" tried to create an AI version of him via a SuperPAC and got their OpenAI API access banned for their pains.

Quoth ElReg:

Not even the presence of Matt Krisiloff, a founding member of OpenAI, at the head of the PAC made a difference.

The pair have reportedly raised millions for We Deserve Better, driven in part by a $1 million donation from hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, who described his funding of the super PAC as "the largest investment I have ever made in someone running for office."

So the same asshole who is combating "woke" and DEI is bankrolling Phillips, supposed to be the new Bernie. Got it.


In a since deleted thread on another site, I wrote

For the OG effective altruists, it’s imperative to rebrand the kooky ultra-utilitarianists as something else. TESCREAL is the term adopted by their opponents.

Looks like great minds think alike! The EA's need to up their google juice so people searching for the term find malaria nets, not FTX. Good luck on that, Scott!

The HN comments are ok, with this hilarious sentence

I go to LessWrong, ACX, and sometimes EA meetups. Why? Mainly because it's like the HackerNews comment section but in person.

What's the German term for a recommendation that's the exact opposite?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by gerikson@awful.systems to c/techtakes@awful.systems

[this is probably off-topic for this forum, but I found it on HN so...]

Edit "enjoy" the discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38233810

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