by way of a tangent, the android fucking mess there resolved in me nearly putting my computer through a window
over the years I've found many reasons to dislike google, but good god that little excursion gave me a whole fresh set
by way of a tangent, the android fucking mess there resolved in me nearly putting my computer through a window
over the years I've found many reasons to dislike google, but good god that little excursion gave me a whole fresh set
it’s not interesting at all that “In roughly 3 years GPT will be smarter and faster and more consistent probably.”
I think leave it up, if you have the headspace for the shooting gallery
lol holy shit, he was barely getting started
shortly after the first posts, he (most likely personally, although remains to be seen) had the trademark usage page updated specifically to take aim at wpengine
and started making his employees do an astroturfing campaign on their private socials
and blocked wpengine from interacting with at all, by both blocking accounts and IPs
dude’s lost it. coming up soon, mass migrations off wordpress?
missed his calling
at the risk of inducing a kneejerk seizure in the more internet-seasoned among us, a cross-post featuring some marvellously timed exit strategy
the abyss must have a gravitic effect
give someone bad information in an unfamiliar shape and they won't immediately get upset, because they can't immediately see that it's bad
yet more obscurantist sleight of mouth by one of the ranking world liars
In [1]: for i in range(1, 5): print(f"{i*1000} days: {i*1000/365} years")
1000 days: 2.73972602739726 years
2000 days: 5.47945205479452 years
3000 days: 8.219178082191782 years
4000 days: 10.95890410958904 years
how many is a "few", 'ole sammy mah boi
and can you definitely find a way to set 6b+/year on fire (with growth for salaries and costs) for that long?
truly, the sfba business model is one of the most remarkable of the last 2 decades
that's obviously a b
that had a phenomenal night out, and just found itself greeting the day from a garden somewhere
let's not valorise people doing bad things, much less them getting paid for it :|
it sticks, doesn't it