Wow. I guess it's a good thing I couldn't get these, otherwise I would still be reading them in a decade 😀
This just reminded me I have yet to watch Happy Days. Have been meaning to watch it for ages. Maybe once I finish my current show.
5 books in a week! Nice! How many books are remaining?
Good luck with editing!
Warbreaker is nice. Very interesting magic, though all of Sanderson books have that, specially the Cosmere books.
I would say the same thing about The Kaiju Preservation Society, not a masterpiece but a very fun ride.
Thanks for the info, going to check out Educated.
Loved Project Hail Mary. Enjoy!
I once started The Gunslinger, but couldn't get into it. May give it a try again.
Heh, thanks for the list. It can be difficult if you like the author / genre, so thanks for doing it anyway! I have The Talisman in my backlog for many years, should give it a read. Have heard of 11/22/63 and The Green Mile but all other names are new, will take a look at them.
My column A, and row 3, both have 4 squares done. I also have one alternate square done, so I can complete my Bingo any time I want! Going to wait till the end though, may complete those boxes anyway.
Yeah, finished the book, it was pretty interesting.
Glad you are back to reading!
I may have asked this before, but what are your favourite King books?
I have had a 4-5 years break. 😀
I have decided to re-read the series though.
Going to dive deeper in SCP wiki? Or that's it for now.
Haha, yeah. To be frank, I am not a fan of the outer cover of these leatherbound versions, I prefer the full-picture cover pages of paper books, but other than that, illustrations, the pages, the writing, the overall quality, they are all so good in these versions!
Too expensive though. Maybe one day.