61 books! Congratulations!
This sounds interesting, will check it out.
Cool. I have only read about first 10 or so. Planning to start a re-read and complete the series now.
Yeah, personally, I didn't like the last battle too much. It was very umm... meta, I guess.
I have the same collection, don't know if I am Legend was ever released stand alone. Also, I had seen the movie before reading the book, so wasn't expecting the direction it took.
I am also reading a "different" book by Stephen King. But more of that in this week's weekly thread!
You caught up to Stormlight pretty quickly! I am still in planning phase of re-reads.
That sounds nice. I have read a few history books here and there, but nothing containing proper history of Europe. How are you liking it?
Oooh, nice. Which design patterns book are you reading? I recently started Design Pattern by the Gang of Four, have studied design patterns, but never read the book, so finally taking care of that.
Perfect. Have 5 hard mode then!
Ah cool, do let me know how you like it.
There are some features for that in LT, power edit or something, though I haven't actually explored them in depth, or even looked at them in years, so I could be wrong about those.
Ah, cool.
I checked at my local shop, they didn't have first book of Goosebumps, so I picked up the second book, and am now waiting for the first one, should get it soon-ish. I have a thing about reading the series from first book, so going to wait for it to arrive before reading it.
Will let you know how it goes.
Oh, why is that? I wonder if some issue from Amazon (like specs change, or some kind of DRM).
Guess that just means I shouldn't buy any ebooks from Amazon!