
joined 9 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Every time I work with a Mac, Hackintosh, etcetera, the 5K upscale of XP Bliss is my default as a joke (except I think near the end of one school year, where I set the background to something from OS 9).

It was even my iPhone background for a while, though right now, it’s a random James Webb image.

[–] -1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Autism has little to do with it - I’m on the spectrum and I have “proprietary” Star Trek wallpapers on all my Linux machines - Ent D and DS9 on desktop, DS9 crew on laptop, Cerritos on that one old Chromebook I installed Bcachefs Debian Testing on for fun once, Borg cube on my Surface…

Now my wallpaper choices and overall Star Trek fandom… you could probably make a reasonable guess on where that comes from. 😉

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

iPhone, mostly because of family.

I eventually want to jump to Lineage on Pixel, but that’s not an option for me currently.

My Thinkpad has the factory Windows install on its factory-installed drive, but I only booted it once and otherwise never use it. As the laptop has 2 M.2 slots, I just installed a 2 TB SSD in its secondary slot and installed Debian 12 on it right after I opened the box. I nearly always use that install.

I recently had an exam where the spyware test monitoring Chrome extension was mad about me using Linux (I only use Chromium when I have an exam - otherwise I just use Firefox), so I had to use one of the Windows machines in the lab. This was weird, because I’ve taken other tests (including after this incident) that didn’t have a problem.

Back in high school, I had to use a Chromebook and the occasional iMac, though the Chromebook is technically a Linux device.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I need to the h*** give Babylon 5 a try eventually.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I have a few questions on uniforms.

For one, I just find it a bit strange some of them are wearing ENT-era uniforms, especially considering the base was updated in the 2260s. Although the uniforms look slick, chronologically, it almost feels like a run down American naval wessel in the 1970s wearing revolutionary war uniforms. I wonder if this points to the ENT uniforms being used for a really long time (no, my time is not finally here) much like the TOS film uniforms, if at least as a starbase uniform. Thus, it was still perfectly normal to see an ENT uniform in the 2230s and 40s, and not all that uncommon in the early 2260s.

Now what really confuses me, though, is how the base says they don't have combadges, which conflicts with the previous depictions of base officers in LD:"Trusted Sources":

I at first thought that maybe they were just embroidered like TOS uniforms. However, someone on Memory Alpha also caught this frame of one of these same personnel in 5x05:

The badge is gone, which suggests they are removable. This implies two possibilities: they were aesthetic, non-functioning badges, or they were real combadges.

I wonder why they disappeared. One theory might be the station used to be able to support a few, but the system broke and the few combadges in circulation were retired.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Ma’ah’s brother says all the “I can see the original Kahless” stuff at the end of the episode. That means that Kahless II being a clone is common knowledge. I wonder when that happened, though Kor seemed aware of it in DS9:”The Sword of Kahless”.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

This beings up an intriguing question of when Kahless being a clone became common knowledge.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

We only deal in gold pressed Latinum here.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

There’s plenty of other crappy Starbases in the Federation… certain of that.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It’s going to be about the Post-Atomic Horror… Or else! Give me my campy Kangaroo court.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

To be fair, I wouldn’t exactly call original Khan good representation either, in the sense that he draws on some negative ethnic stereotypes.

Still a fun villain, though.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I might also add that Ma’ah’s family career is very similar to Boimler’s in some aspects, staying in line with how in Wej Duj he was supposed to be a Klingon analog of Boimler.

In the future, could you cross post your annotations instead of making two posts? Thanks! I had to duplicate the above from the main Star Trek community version of this post.


I wanted some ambience for an upcoming Star Trek Adventures game, so I whipped up this simple web app.


I was rewatching LD 4x07 “A Few Badgeys More” when Badgey’s ramble about seeing past, present, and future as he ascended gave me a question: if Badgey has become a non-linear, omnipotent being, what is the impact on the timeline? My thought is that delta insignia seen in Starfleet and past human organizations may actually be part of a bootstrap paradox; the delta insignia inspires Badgey, and then eventually, Badgey, after becoming non-linear and being part of all time and space, causes the the delta insignia that inspired his form in the first place.


Rest in peace. Isn’t he a time traveler, though? I thought Starfleet Intelligence would have resolved this by now.


A parody of "The Treachery of Images" by Rene Magritte, but with Nixon.



Salutations. After lurking around and reading posts for a few weeks, I have just created an account on this instance. Mostly, the experience has been good, but I am having one major issue: Shaka when the walls fell with two-factor authentication. When I press the button in my account settings, I receive the error couldnt_generate_totp. When looking in the Javascript console, I found the following occurred every time I pressed the button:

POST 400 (Bad Request)

I received a 404 when navigating to that URL. Is the API for generating TOTP keys not set up on this server? I am concerned about any count where I am unable to properly set up two-factor authentication, and I would be pleased if this difficulty could be rectified. Anyhow, glory to the houses of all involved in maintaining this server as an alternative bastion of Star Trek discussion on the internet.


Let's imagine that there is an Earth from an alternate timeline where the planet received alien interference in the late 20th century that makes humanity certain of alien life and warp drive (note: not warp-capable), with the early 21st century on technological par with the prime timeline's 21st century. In this early 21st century, a person accidentally make both a universe and temporal crossing into Earth in the prime timeline and the late 24th century.

Starfleet quickly locates this highly confused person. How would Starfleet handle the situation while abiding by the (Temporal) Prime Directive?

Personally, I would think given the exceptional circumstances, that Starfleet might given the person limited mobility on Earth and only Earth, and eventually allow them to live permanently in the prime timeline if they have exhausted the list of possible ways to return the person to their timeline. This is especially considering that the alternate Earth has already been interfered with, and Starfleet has no way to know the natural development of neither the alternate timeline nor its native earth.

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