[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 52 points 7 months ago

Lol please do

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 40 points 8 months ago

It's kind of shitty to 'out' someone like this on a tv program. If they liked doing cocaine that's their business. But I also know that's the point of the program probably.

I hope she got help with her nose though.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 81 points 8 months ago

secured the border

What does that mean though. Concentration camps for undocumented People? Kids in cages? You think that's a good thing? People are dying in US camps, and you're presenting that as a 'haha gotcha liberals they DO kill migrants'

Fuck that.

Also genocide. Never forget that Biden is aiding and abetting a genocide. Don't fucking look away because he's your guy, motherfuckers

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 112 points 8 months ago

8chan and 4chan were instrumental in creating the disease that is gamergate and the subsequent online shitheaps it produced. Including but not limited to Trump's term.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 37 points 8 months ago

It's also not just the amount of training they receive, but the content of the training. When you learn in Police academy that 1) everyone is armed and dangerous and 2) everyone is out to kill you, you tend to be more aggressive. And this is drilled into their skulls with the equivalent of a jackhammer. No wonder you get cops that are completely devoid of empathy, reason and humanity, but rather trigger happy assholes who will use violence for every single issue.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 78 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I was taught to put my tongue* on the roof of my mouth and even had braces specifically to make me do that? Am I going mad? Is my life a lie? Is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 49 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It feels like a bit of 'old internet' died with him, where he's always been an internet optimist and someone who has lived through basically all of it. He stuck to his principles through all of it. And I guess that has become a rarified breed.

Him taking a step back feels like a bit of that old internet of the curiosity, community and creativity of the early days of the internet go with him. Mind you he's not going anywhere except the people he cares about and I completely understand the choice he made, and I only wish the best for him, so this is just me attempting to explain why it feels so confronting and kind of sad. For me it goes beyond 'oh there just won't be anymore of those videos then', which I can live with although it would be sad to see those go. It's his personality that has, through the entire history of youtube and the many, many changes it went through, stuck to the principles of its first ever users. Be curious, be authentic, and generally just try shit out and see if it works.

I'm sure that core of the personality he showed on screen will never really go away, other people will carry that torch. But it's ok to be a little sad to see someone wave off like this. It shows us all how much we enjoyed it all these years.

Also as a MINOR sidenote on the meme, he never refused to explain, you couldn't stop this man from explaining if you tried lol

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 35 points 10 months ago

When your ancestors have been targetted, racialized, abused and enslaved for centuries and the effects of that are still felt to this day, and when you are still being racialized and abused because of the colour of your skin and your heritage, you feel like you have nothing to be proud of. The world is telling you you don't matter, that 'your kind' deserves it.

THAT'S why POC are so adament about being proud. Because when a racist tells them they're worth nothing, and when the world tells them they're nothing, they need to rely on themselves and their community.

Being proud is resistance. Against all the shit that has been done to POC, and the shit that is still being done today.

White pride is not resistance, other than resistance to the idea of black pride taking over from a centuries old status quo where white people were the only ones who 'mattered'. You're not resisting anything with 'white pride'. You're taking away voices and dignity of POC.

It's no wonder the only people who unironically say 'white pride' are fucking nazis. That should inform anyone about the whole concept of it. Don't weaponize your whiteness.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 38 points 10 months ago

This spread is pathetic. All the evidence they supposedly have is pathetic. This is supposed to be 'THE headquarters of the Al-Aqsa brigade'.

And all they have is... like 12 AKs, some ammo and, oh no, wd40.

It's utterly deranged how Israel thinks this shit will fly. Hell, even the Jerusalem Post is saying it's all rather pathetic lol.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 49 points 11 months ago

Introducing: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, HAITI, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines, Grenada, The Dominican Republic, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia.

To name a few of where the US 'intervened' to uphold some cunt dictator or put one of their own in, or just to fuck shit up, or to claim resources, or some other bullshit. Israel has been on that list for a very long time as well. We're only 'seeing' it now because we don't usually see the billions in funding and the weapon shipments. But they've always been there.

Just seeing how many hospitals the US has blown up. And they still parade Kissinger around like he isn't the grim reaper who ordered the comprehensive bombing and poisoning and destruction of countless countries.

Fuck the US and fuck Israel.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 41 points 11 months ago

Especially non-white youth. These 'rules' are designed specifically as a bludgeon to use against poc.

[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 44 points 11 months ago

90% of Reddit are bots

Their coding says 'trust=1'

Don't know what else to tell you /s

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