Fun fact: The Windows executable format is originally based on an old Unix executable format.
Dax knows the deep, dark secret kept by the Trill Symbiosis Commission. They'd be wise to leave her alone.
“We want to go on social media and push back on the misinformation that’s out there,” Tarik Sheppard, the NYPD’s top spokesperson, said in an interview. “Because if we don’t, it could cause damage to the reputation of our cops and the work that we’re doing.”
Having a "top spokesperson" in the first place is part of what's being criticized, Tarik.
SponsorBlock is a browser addon with a crowd-sourced database of skippable Youtube video segments (sponsorship, intro/outro, "like and subscribe", etc.), and the ability to auto-skip them.
The Enterprise-B launch was attended by a gaggle of reporters and camera people.
Both, please.
The whole plan all along was for Spock to seduce the Romulan commander. But what would the plan have been if it wasn't a straight woman?
The writers missed an opportunity there, IMHO.
Unpopular opinion: The Windows Registry, a centralized, strongly typed key:value database for application settings, is actually superior to hundreds of individual dotfiles, each one written in its own janky customized DSL, with its own idea of where it should live in the file system, etc.
It's hardly a controversial position that the Reign of Terror had virtually nothing to do with the nobility or monarchy, both of which had been abolished by that point; and everything to do with the suppression of political dissent by means of state terror.
The lesson of the Reign of Terror is not "kill the rich". It's not even "kill your enemies". It's "normalizing political violence will inevitably, maybe literally, blow up in your face." People who equate the guillotine and Reign of Terror with successful political violence, or even successful economic and political reform, are not just wrong but dangerously wrong, and need to corrected.
“The filter is powered by a Large Language Model (LLM) that’s trained on moderator actions and content removed by Reddit’s internal tools and enforcement teams,” reads an excerpt from the page.
Eww, gross. I was never a moderator, but that would annoy me.
So can a dotfile, or any other kind of storage. There's really nothing inherently bad about the registry. Its reputation as a place to hide things in is equal parts selection bias, users' lack of technical understanding, and the marketing of "registry cleaner" apps.