[-] chandaliergalaxy@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I'm hoping Quarto will Jupiter - it's still not as flexible as org-babel but better version-controlled than Jupiter.

Pluto.jl apparently is reactive and immediately updates.

[-] chandaliergalaxy@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

It was for me.

After reading Paul Graham wax lyrical about lisp ( see essay Beating the Averages), I wanted to learn a lisp. Emacs is the most practical lisp in the sense that even a small amount of it can do something immediately useful (for emacs), and I wasn't going to replace R / Python / Fortran with Common Lisp or Scheme for my scientific computing needs.

Not sure it expanded my mind like I had expected in the end. Apart from the homoiconicity and macros, most major ideas introduced by lisp has made its way into other mainstream languages.

But it's a beautiful language and at least I know now that I'm not missing out on something huge, and that gives me piece of mind (maybe macros are huge and I'm toying with them in Julia at the moment).

[-] chandaliergalaxy@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Placement of Controls is nice but where is Meta?

[-] chandaliergalaxy@alien.top 1 points 11 months ago

I have something like this

;; ----- language server

(require 'eglot)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
	       . ,(eglot-alternatives '("pylsp"
					("pyright-langserver" "--stdio")))))

;; ----- treesitter

(use-package treesit-auto :ensure t)
;; treesit grammar should be installed here: "~/.emacs.d/tree-sitter/"

;; ----- select interpreter

(setopt python-shell-interpreter ("~/miniconda3/bin/python"))
(setopt python-shell-interpreter-args "-i")

;; ----- conda

(use-package conda
  :ensure t
  (conda-anaconda-home "~/miniconda3")
  (conda-env-home-directory "~/miniconda3")
  (conda-env-subdirectory "envs")
  (unless (getenv "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV")
    (conda-env-activate "base"))))

;; ----- emacs-jupyter

(use-package jupyter
(org-babel-jupyter-override-src-block "python") ;; so python becomes jupyter-python in org-babel

;; ----- other settings

(setopt python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil)
[-] chandaliergalaxy@alien.top 1 points 11 months ago

doesn't plantuml follow a language specification (UML) whereas D2 is based on the creator's own syntax?


joined 11 months ago