Imagine not having pronouns.
At this stage in my life I enjoy the flexibility and ease of not owning my own property, but that still doesn't mean I like dealing with landlords. In my ideal world I'd like to 'rent' from the state at actual maintenance cost, rather than pay extortionate amounts for some leech's mortgage.
why are you so emotionally attached to being wrong?
You're a tankie for asking this.
20,000 liberals and me, the one true leftist.
colonising Tibet and eradicating their language and culture
You ever been to Tibet? It's been 70 years and they're still speaking Tibetan.
Why are you talking about this with potential partners lmao?
I was expecting a 'ligma' joke lol
whats noma?
Lots of things are normal that I'd rather not spend extended periods of time in a small space with.
They're wrong, we're regular s