People who signed up on Telegram were set up to fail right from the get go. It doesn't feature default E2EE, it's not private, it's not secure... but there were plenty of users on there looking to buy whatever dark net goods and services you can offer. It's completely stupid when there are much better alternatives out there, but people go wherever other people are, just moving as a herd instead of a lone wolf. With everything that has happened over the last years, including the arrest of the Tornado Cash and Samourai Wallet devs, it's clear that it's no longer possible to resist the government in any way out in the open anymore.
joined 9 months ago
Because nobody cared enough to send an email lol
It's technically still easy to get XMR, since you can just convert whatever coin into XMR and there are other exchange options. Only problem that I see with the big exchanges delisting coins is making it less likely for tech-illiterate normies to use the coins.
WordPress is total garbage and businesses should really stop outsourcing web development to a bunch of 3rd world outsourcing companies who hire "developers" for poverty wages that can't even write a single line of code. Sites are getting stuffed with dozens of useless freemium plugins, everything uses jQuery, and it's one giant security risk. Often times a static site generator can do the job just fine or use a headless CMS like payload. There are plenty of alternatives: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix, and all the other mutant leftover abominations belong in the trash and set on fire. Fucking normies and corpo boomers.