Best we can do is prune juice.
It's Dorn's delivery. He and Stewart could make any of their lines sound epic, no matter how cheesy the episode was
Maybe, but the Romulans and Cardassians would do it in a heart beat.
Interestingly, this is actually a thing on the show. In one TNG episode they figure out how to open a small window in their own shields to beam through. It becomes standard procedure in TNG, DS9, and VOY after that. Presumably, you can exploit an enemy ship attempting that.
Nowadays 'maiden' can just mean 'young woman'.
Humans being the new kids on the block with inferior technology is a pretty common thing. Babylon 5 had humans buy, trade, and negotiate for most of their tech and are barely more advanced than the average small independent world at the start of the show. Farscape had Earth as a backwater, uncontacted, pre-interstellar world and made humans unusually frail with poor eyesight compared to the other species. Even in Trek, humans are physiologically inferior to most everyone and ENT depicted our tech as being far behind everyone else.
The real advantage humanity is consistently depicted as having, regardless of setting, franchise, or even sci-fi vs fantasy, is that we develop new technology faster than just about anyone else. In sci-fi settings, we'll go from barely getting to Mars to colonizing the entire Orion Arm in a couple decades. In fantasy settings, we'll be first to develop firearms and rudimentary industrialization.
There is only one tiny way this could be better - in the original intro, the nebula parts just ahead of Voyager's prow thanks to the navigational deflector. Replicate that one little bit and it will be perfect.
If there's one thing Trek is totally consistent about, it's the writers having no fucking clue what evolution is.
Why settle for 9 when you can make one with a knob that goes to 11?
It ranked pretty highly as a write-in candidate at a con once.
Time Person Of The Year also isn't meant to mean they're the best person of the year, just the most influential on that year's events. Hitler was that person once, and Stalin was twice.