She never did - they canned it in favour of the shots after screen/make-up testing.
Edit: Bonus, kind-of-gross context!
Initially, the DS9 writing staff simply didn't like Michael Westmore's alterations to make the Odan headpiece look more feminine. Apparently, after Terry Farrell had put on the Odan forehead appliance, someone looked at her and said to Westmore, "What did you do to her head, she used to be beautiful?" Instead of changing species, as they'd already come to like the idea of an "old man", a person with centuries of experience to guide Sisko, Westmore suggested to "just give her spots like we gave Famke," who played a Kriosian in TNG: "The Perfect Mate". This make-up was used on all Trill afterwards.
The political situation in the region is incredibly complicated - if Bajor is interested in prosecuting, they risk a renewed conflict with Cardassia, which neither they nor the Federation particularly want. On top of that, many Bajorans are skeptical of the Federation and its intentions, at least in the early days.
Plus...did Dukat ever "visit" DS9 (as in, physically board the station) without explicit authorization from the command staff?