
joined 2 years ago

Looks like it's a done deal (serious this time), though there's technically a 45-day window for someone to make a better offer.


The city plans to forgo transferring more than $15 million from its general revenue into the reserve fund as a way to cut down the deficit. It will also use debt deferral, interest savings and expenditure management to further reduce the shortfall.

The plan does not call for service reductions or staff cuts.


This is the c/doctorwho discussion thread for "Wild Blue Yonder" - join the conversation in the replies!

Written by: Russell T Davies

Directed by: Tom Kingsley

Yeah, it's probably good to mention that all (I think?) of our DMs are open if someone has a suggestion for us.

“The Breen ship, I believe, is the largest asset we’ve ever built. It was about 10 kilometres of an actual digital environment that were built so we can travel through and also shoot practically in certain areas,” he recalls. “It was a really massive ship both from the exterior but also from the interior. And it’s something that if you look at the details when you’re watching it on screen, there’s just so much depth, Digi doubles and ships – the detail is almost endless.”

Not sure what to say here besides, "wow."



See, I knew I should've paid more attention to what they were saying around "Zee."

It really was good to get a Zero-centric episode.

The Nobodies being reckless thrill-seekers was a nice story element - I always wished Saru had gone through something similar following his vahar'ai.

I think the episode did about as well as could be expected when it comes to conveying the concept of gaining senses for the first time, and then willingly giving them up. Heady stuff for a kids' show.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

By the way, did Gwyn refer to Zero as a he in the log?

I had the chance to keep an ear out for this as I watched, and I think the line is, "I think Zee's safe with us until we do." They've used the nickname a handful of times through the season so far, but it's susceptible to unclear pronounciation.

It was a fun twist - it was good to see something that will carry forward from what was otherwise a fairly standard hijinks episode.

It's also good to see Maj'el getting involved in said hijinks like a good Vulcan.

[–] -2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Wow, Tarka was a chatty sonofagun.

Honestly? I think that's probably exactly what they do.

Nostalgia sells, which is why TOS stuff specifically has dominated the merch market for years. And older fans, unfortunately, are probably more likely to have money to burn.

I find merch interesting these days...what do people even want? I feel like action figures are a thing of the past. Are prop and costume replicas where it's at these days?

I wonder if they'll tie that directly in to Lower Decks with a Doctor guest appearance.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (7 children)

If you don't like the content hosted on this instance, why do you have an opinion on this at all?

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