I feel like it's got to be Google putting all these hit pieces out on Brave right? They know they have to deal with Firefox but they also need to get the other stragglers out of the way first.
If we're gonna start talking about how shitty CEOs are then there's a lot of other companies we need to talk about before this one..
I dont use brave now, but I have quite a bit, never for crypto/BAT, just for the ad blocking etc and it was a great browser. Idk what kind of installation people are having where they say it feels bloated Etc but it certainly wasn't my experience.
I'm not ashamed to say that I switched to Firefox when I heard about all this chrome nonsense, because I figured Braves time was limited since they're a fork of Chrome. That's really the only reason. Idgaf about CEO contributions, especially that small.
And if we're going to start talking about creators let's start talking about the people that made this site LMAO maybe it's not the best candlelight to hold this issue against..
Oh I see that and i love it! But, my comment was concerning the primarily vertical orientation of the image, in the light of the users comment regarding making this a desktop background. Idk many people that have a vertical monitor, but I guess it's possible they ment that. And thisnimage would need to be cropped a lot to fit standard 16:9 ratio. Cropped so much, that you really wouldn't get all you want in any version.
Edit: I've added a wallpaper variant now in a main level comment
Ive noticed that the cyberpunk genre is widely misunderstood. That's likely intentional on behalf of corporations who really aren't served best by us fully embracing the cyberpunk attitude against corportations.
Odd shaped screen
Look at that ratio, must be a lot of us idiots around huh
It doesn't have some modern conveniences like the ability to block just FYI to those reading along at home. It's pretty bit it's not as functional as many others.