Die "Nähe zum üblichen Verzehr", so heißt es im Methodenpapier der DGE, machen 40 Prozent der Gewichtung der Ernährungsempfehlung aus. ... Den Faktor Gesundheit gewichtet das DGE-Modell nur mit 35 Prozent, 25 Prozent sind Umweltaspekte.
Depends on where you live.
Traditionally, this is an Indonasian Birthday cake:
It's called Nasi Tumpeng.
Die Organisation »Palästina Spricht« erstellte den Beitrag auf Instagram bereits vor vier Tagen. Nach eigenen Angaben handelt es sich um eine »politische, feministische, demokratische, antirassistische Bewegung in Deutschland für palästinensische Rechte«. Auf dem Account finden sich etwa kritische Statements zu verbotenen Demonstrationen in Berlin. In einem Beitrag heißt es »Free Palestine from the river to the sea«. Gemeint ist die Fläche zwischen Jordan und dem Mittelmeer, der Spruch kann daher als Aufruf zur Auslöschung des Staates Israels verstanden werden.
Sauces, marinades, vegtable broth and spices taste good.
I think it would be good to mention the source (bloomberg.com) when linking to archive.org.
Who violated that rule? Now we have a new thread to have a civil discussion.
You said the community that mainly contains the following message would be as extreme as TD.
I support freedom. I support individual right to choose.
What does that even mean? I know a lot of republicans struggle with this concept. Don’t bully them. Their smooth brains struggle.
Guns kill people. Every other country has solved this problem. Control who has access to guns. Do you really think you will stand up to the entire government, military, with a single assault rifle? Grow the fuck up. Make your community better. Stop living in perpetual fear.
Women have a right to decide for themselves. Abortion is always an option. A ball of cells is not a baby. Its not murder. Stop forcing rape victims to birth.
Christian ministers, priests, reverends. These are the single biggest perpetrators of molestation. Supporting christianity is supporting the destruction of childhoods.
How many drag queens have been arrested abd charged? How many catholics?
look inwards. take a moment to consider why you’re being built, pushed, towards hate.
You can change. You can open your eyes. You can be accepted. I have forgiveness for those who are genuine. Reality is here for you.
do you not consider why you’re attacked or ostracised from society? Its because your views are toxic. Your views are hateful. Your views go against what the majority of humanity wants and stands for.
You can be better. You can grow and learn.
Hand in your fascist card. We can accept you. Just let go of your hate and anger.
Propaganda has blinded you. Its your choice to simply turn away. Help exists wherever you reach out.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes
We are here for you. We are here to support your journey back to reality.
It’s scary. But you have support. Just ask.
Thanks for letting me add this
European Parliament votes to ‘greenwash’ recycled content in latest resolution on Single-Use Plastic Directive accounting method, say environmental NGOs