Depends. I walk a good amount of meters away from anyone near bus stops or towards the designated smoking areas at train stations while I'm waiting for my public transport connections. Maybe you're dealing with inconsiderate cunts in your area.
joined 1 year ago
Viel Spaß in Bitterfeld. :)
So, where exactly are smokers supposed to smoke then when pretty much everywhere indoor smoking is already banned??
Gerne. Ich bin eine wandelnde Musikwikipedia.
Schnipo gibt sofort Hochwähli!
Also bei Barrys Tea kann ich mit absoluter Sicherheit sagen, dass die Teeblätter aus Ruanda, Kenia und Assam in Indien kommen und die letztliche Verarbeitung in Irland stattfindet.
Ob Pest oder Cholera, schön die Wahl zu haben, oder?
Da möchte man doch am liebsten direkt im Kreis kotzen...
I quit for several years and eventually started again, realising that quitting smokes is not for me. I'm living a fairly stressful life. I need my occasional 5 mins of peace and quiet every now and then during the day. Thank you very much.