I'm looking for some help researching how to clean long tubes, such as maybe 1/4 inch pickup tubes for a water pump that may be 20 feet long. I've been able to find hydration bladder cleaning kits that allow for cleaning the first 2 or 3 feet of these tubes, but beyond some sort of high pressure/high flow system with high caustic cleaning solutions, I haven't found a good way to swab out a long tube.

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

I think that's called a bicycle.


I have wondered many times how a human would fare if the kidneys dumped urine into the start of the large intestines somewhere about the appendix instead of into a bladder to be sprayed out. I'm assuming water would be reabsorbed and slower to process out, primarily through sweat and evaporation from the lungs, and maybe diarrhea, though it may be that other waste products, such as salts or ureas may be absorbed into the large intestines instead of being ejected, though I have no idea if it would, or if it would be ejected as intended. Do we have any biologists here that could give insight on if combining both waste paths into one would be advisable?

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

The main two things I like about start menus is that it keeps all your apps out of the way, and in some resemblence of organizatoin, instead of just barfing them all out in one big cluttered mess, which is part of what turns me away from Apple, or Gnome. However, they're not as easy to use on touchscreens. That said, ads deeply nerf this advantage.

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks for verifying.


I'm running a Radeon 6770 on my home machine, running Mint and running Baulder's Gate 3 under Steam, and have been having some surfaces sparkle or not show correctly when running it with Vulkan in Proton, though everything looks perfect when using DirectX. It also looks correct in both modes when run on Steam deck. What is this phenomenon, just a bug in my graphics driver and Vulkan? None of my other games exhibit this issue.

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Crossover and Wine are the OG compatibility layers for Windows gameplay on Linux, and while I can't vouch for either one now, as Wine is the only one I used--back in the days of the original Unreal, I can say now that Steam's Proton is fairly straightforward and simple. Pretty much, unless it has some sort of anti-cheat malware, like BattleEye, everything "just works." .. and usually, if the game employs anti-cheat, and they catch you playing (fairly) on Linux, you're usually banned.

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

While I know I'm not going to get SLA level detail (which I have given up on for now as I keep busting the LCD of my resin printer every set of prints) I am still hoping I can get to something recognizable, usually at 3x size for the figure, which I could do with the CR10 head and the Spider. Problem is, haven't been able to even begin to dial in the calibrations, which is what I'm asking for assistance with. Where is a good place to start my tests at?

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

You mean 14 year-long user of Fisher Price products? :3

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Looks good, though adhesives are notorious for failing once they get warm a few times, and will fail eventually. I would totally put a couple of screws holding them up. Beyond that, love the setup.


I just changed my stock Ender 3 hotend to a Volcano to get back to a more durable printhead after wrecking my Creality Spider head and have gotten it to where I can print something monolythic (like a brick or boot dryer type thing that doesn't have much actual detail) without much issue, but printing something with any detail, such as a character piece for DnD results in an absolute whispy disaster. I'm still trying to print stock recommended speeds and stock temperatures (PLA at 200C, PETG at 240C, etc at 50 to 75mm/s) and retract from none to 9mm trying to find something that works. Nothing does so far, even when I go to playing with temps (PETG 200-260C, PLA 180-240C) Where should I set my baseline settings to be able to get close to the CR-10 head that I started with? I originally upgraded to the Spider, which is now discontinued, because of printing ASA and the CR-10 creating a lot of jams as the bowden tube degrades inside. I have also heard good things about the Volcano and was curious about them. I'm still running the stock extruder, btw. I'm betting my problem is simply that I don't know how to use this head yet, though I guess I could have gotten a dud.

submitted 1 year ago by Thurkeau@lemmy.world to c/preppers@lemmy.ca

I'm wanting to make a fairly basic SHTF survival kit for recovering from an incident in either the Alabama forest or in town, and intend to fit it with some basic firestarting in a container meant for a UCO match kit. I still intend to carry a few matches, as well as some sort of small cutting tool, maybe a shelter type item, and in general enough tools and material to get myself reoriented and to where I can use available materials to fashion additional tools from available material in the area in the event of something like an auto accident. 0F is flippin' cold for me and probably just below what I would see for lows, though 100F does happen in the summer. I'm not thinking too much about signaling and noisemaking at this time, so that can probalby be moved to my backpack kit. I would put items on my keyring except that I think I am likely to leave my keys in the vehicle if I did have to GTFO, which I did have to do with a car fire one time. (Was not injured in car fire, fortunately. Also had family nearby to take me the few miles I had left to get home.) Since I have largely forgotten many of my survival skills I haven't thought about in awhile, I will be spending some time trying to get to where I am not so woefully unprepared. Suggestions on what to fit in the match box?

Match box I am using: https://www.amazon.com/UCO-Stormproof-Waterproof-Matches-Strikers/dp/B00773VVHO/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2TN2JNYDCSVP0&keywords=uco+matches+stormproof&qid=1689487019&sprefix=uco+matc%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-2

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Wait. Does Elon own Reddit as well as Twitter?

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago

Don't you get to keep the porn, though?

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

...though if they do what YouTube is trying out, a system level blocker will eventually end up getting you locked out of the site.

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I usually find the app and the web site are usually essentially the same on most platforms, plus most apps are designed for data farming, so to me, most apps are moot in function, and nothing but a security hole. You're going to have to do better than just not interrupting me as I come in to announce your app to get me to use it.

[-] Thurkeau@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I'm here trying to learn how this service operates, and am finding a few bugs that make it more challenging than it probably should be. Some things, like trying to post musings or my own miscilaneous content "to myself" (that is, it would be part of my own page that can be viewed, but not part of a particular community) just gives me a spinning wheel indefinitely. If nothing else, better feedback from the UI would greatly help.


Meme test post, though I'm sure it involves that Malice stuff in Zelda.

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