
joined 6 days ago
[–] -2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The idea that Gaza would have been a-ok if Harris won is insane.

A Democrat victory would have meant next to nothing to the Palestinian people. Dems don't care about them either.

It's also a lie that pro-Palestine voters withheld their votes in any significant number as well. That's just the MSM trying to pass the buck onto the left while ignoring the fact that the Dems have nobody to blame for their loss but themselves.

You're buying into propaganda from the Dems's "good guy" billionaires.

[–] 32 points 2 days ago (4 children)

America is experiencing a fascist dictatorship and you want the only party speaking against it to just stand by because the system doesn't allow them to do anything??

How about FUCK THE SYSTEM!!! Trump and his cronies don't care about it. You're not going to beat wanna-be dictators with 0 disregard for the law by doing everything by the book.

Block the doors to the house and Senate rooms, encourage and participate in civil disobedience, get operatives to physically block Elon and his felons from illegally accessing extremely sensitive data about America's allies and citizens. Loudly and passionately call out every anti-democracy, anti-American, and anti-human act that Trump and his gang are doing and explain exactly how it's going to enrich them and other billionaires and how it's going to seriously harm everyone else. Encourage and work with grassroots organisations across the country to gum up the MAGA Republican works.

The Democratic party leadership are should be the leaders of a movement defending against the destruction of America and it's allies from within the country's highest positions of power for the benefit of a small few wealthy and powerful people. This is a historical moment that is very likely to lead to the suffering and deaths of countless human beings within America and around the world, and could possibly lead to a world war the likes of which we have never seen. I want them to fucking ACT like it.

They need to do more than read dry, impassionate speeches and post boring tweets. America is dying and if the country is expecting the system to save them then chances are they're already lost.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Pro Palestinian activists overwhelmingly voted for the Dems. Mainstream media is just once again blaming people on the left for their party leadership's own failures. That's what the Dems do every time they lose. They blame the progressives, claim that the party has somehow gone "too far left," and claim that they just need to move the party further to the right.

Don't blame the activists. Blame the Dem leadership who care far more for their millionaire and billionaire donors than they do their own constituents. Who care more about their donors than they do the end of democracy.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

And 10 is categories?

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ohhhhh so you literally mean that people who use shopping carts are in relationships where their SO is having sex with someone else behind their backs?

Right. Of course that's what you meant. Well obviously that would be a MUCH more normal thing to believe.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Uhhhhhh no it's not. There is nothing about believing that Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinian people (they are) that prevents someone from simultaneously believing that the holocaust happened and was just as bad as is commonly understood (it did and it was).

It's like saying that accusing me of being a thief is denying that time I was robbed.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (3 children)

What a wild sentiment haha. Guy's so insecure that he thinks using a SHOPPING CART will make him less manly.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago

All I'm saying is there was no win for the Palestinians. The genocide isn't "worse" now that Trump's in charge. It was going to be the same either way.

Also if you're under the impression that Trump won because pro-Palestine voters refused to vote for Harris then you're mistaken. The uncommitted movement's objective was not to refuse to vote for Harris for president, they voted "uncommitted" during the primaries. That's where the name comes from.

Harris lost because the liberal order is driving the US to ruin and Trump didn't ignore how bad things were getting, like the Dems do, and he promised to shake up the regular, liberal order of things which doesn't work for a massive amount of Americans. Obviously he was lying, but his rhetoric inspired people. The Dems offered NOTHING except not being Trump. Not very inspirational. Problem is, pro-Trump propaganda was too well funded and too wide-spread and most voters just don't pay very much attention to politics.

The Dems have nobody to blame for their failure but themselves. Fascism isn't bred on its own out of nowhere. The failures of liberal governance created the conditions for far-right extremism to take hold and the Dems refused to meet the moment by offering real solutions for the people of America.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (3 children)

If the Dems won the situation in Gaza would have been basically the exact same with the only difference being that Harris wouldn't have been talking about the US personally taking control of Gaza. Biden was 100% in support of the genocide and so was Harris and the rest of the Dem leadership.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Oh there is a very good chance that most oil and food execs have done MUCH more evil than just overcharging.

Execs for either have a pretty good chance of being responsible for mass death and disease. Their victims might just not be in Western, 1st world countries.