I said it in another one of my replies, but suffice it to say that I'm a stranger on the internet. You don't know shit about me. Calling me a misogynist and accusing me of trying to hide behind my fancy internet words so I can continue enjoying fake porn of people I've never met in real life is the most insulting thing I've get the pleasure of receiving online.
I don't like interacting with it much, but here we are now. You can take or leave what I say, but I do everything in my power to check my privledge at the door. I'm not interested in having discussions to convince people that I'm right, I want to have these discussions because I want to learn from others' points of view. I won't ever let one persons Lemmy comment completely change my opinion on theings, but I definitely will always want to have that dialogue to hopefully better inform my opinions. We could all use a dose of active listening, because that's how problems get solved.
I find it funny that the natural response here is to immediately vilify Zuck and call all these CEOs morons for over hiring in the first place, which is 100% correct.
But I'll be damned, it's the first time I've seen someone of that stature actually acknowledge wtf happened. So I'm inclined to give the least bit of credit to him. Still a dogshit human being, but yeah...