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[–] 12 points 1 year ago (4 children)

So where do these rights come from, if not the laws? I wonder if you may be taking free speech as a right as a given because of the time you grew up in. You speak of it as an absolute, but where does that belief come from? You say "rights" as if they're something enshrined in our souls by a god, but like, how do you know that? Where does this information come from?

This is purely a philosophical question. I'm on the free speech wagon here. But realistically, Who gets to decide what's actually an inalienable right that everyone has vs. rights that are encoded in laws?

You put it on a hook? The shower rod is pretty good for me when I hang it to dry. Move the curtain out of the way and spread it out and it gets pretty good airing out. When I lived in places without a shower rod or a shared bathroom I'd hang it on a door.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's actually because it's a loss leader. Most consumers aren't just going to buy a turkey. They're getting all of those other fixins that go with it, and those prices are pretty minimal and steady no matter the store. Even cheaper by the pound, it's probably gonna be the most expensive thing you buy for a Thanksgiving meal. But most people are going to need one. People know all of this, so they shop for the best deal on turkey. That gets them in the door and since they're already buying, they go ahead and buy all the other things they need to prepare. They almost definitely lose money on those turkeys by themselves but make more money overall by selling them cheap. And for chain stores, the individual store isn't eating those costs. Those losses get written off and corporate eats the loss.

And sure, there are better quality turkeys, but you're gonna pay through the ass because those farms aren't producing at the same scale and can't sell to the stores for less, and there definitely wouldn't be enough to go around for all the people buying turkey every year. But if more people buy from those small farms, they can't upscale that same process to cover all those turkeys, so they'll resort to factory farming as well to keep up with the demand. It's very much a similar problem as complaining about traffic when you are also traffic. The only solution is to opt out but we live in a society and opting out can have consequences.

One of those is there to sell more Playstation Plus Premium memberships. The other is there as a cheap way to try and convince a few people to buy a game no one wants.

I'll let you decide which is which.

But if it can survive on it's own, it's not aborted. Were it legal to remove the fetus at that point, then it's a delivery. It can survive on it's own without being attached to the another's body, so they would deliver it early.

That might be due to our heavy government surveillance system. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that a militia was arrested before they could carry out their plan to kidnap the governor of Michigan. The year before that a Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested before he could kill journalists and Democrat politicians. There was that nutjob who took a hammer to Pelosi's husband's head (Didn't even catch that one in time!) There's tons of attempts to assassinate presidents. Kinda feels pretty par for the course.

But the original point, I think, was that it's kinda weird for someone to say it's not surprising for it to happen in Mexico, as if it's some third world country run like New York in Escape from New York while pretending it doesn't happen in the US frequently. The US is just a bigger police state so they catch most of them before anyone dies. The FBI has plants in militias and groups like them all over the country specifically to catch this kind of thing. Most governments just can't afford that kind of manpower. The US is not special or really that much safer, and comments normalizing this kind of thing for Mexico is why anyone even made that argument. It's definitely shitty, and probably racist to think that it's reasonable, when it's in Mexico, people say "Eh it happens.”

Specifically, I'm assuming they're talking about the change in spring when we lose an hour overnight. That morning is pretty deadly, statistically. The lack of sleep causes car accidents, heart attacks, and strokes. The stress lack of sleep puts on the body is no joke, and when it hits most of the population all at once, people die. And I'm assuming men are more likely to suffer from heart attacks maybe?

Judging by the comments here, it seems it may vary between schools. Mine has a system where you "apply" for graduation. They just go over your records to make sure you've earned all the correct credits and enough of them. Once they've verified it they let you know they have and that you now have the degree. I'd probably check with your advisor if you have one, or if not contact the school and ask if there are any steps you need to take once your required classes have been completed.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I can't imagine them using V again. Geralt was a character in his own right that had character traits that were handed over to you to play with. The world was built for Geralt to be in. V was built as a blank slate character to insert yourself into. There's no reason to keep them. I'm pretty sure they only gave the character a name so everyone else in the game could have voice lines for everything and refer to the character by name. It was an attempt to make it a smoother experience, but really, V was a faceless avatar for the player no different to the Fallout games. But because they did the thing with the name it's seamless and everyone sees V as a character, but they're all seeing them as a different character based on how they played. It was pretty clever and I'm sure they'll do it again.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

In the Witcher 3 they had a thing where if you'd played the previous game on the same system and the game file was still there you could allow it to read that file and use decisions you made there to inform the new game. Now, I never got around to finishing Cyberpunk and don't know what the different endings are, so I don't know how much of a difference it would be, but if they've done that before they could do something similar here. Like, the world and story are the same, but any reference to the past includes the choice you made. And if you don't have a save file, they just pick the one the developers like most probably.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (6 children)

There's one other option:

They could make games outside newer versions of the same game. Game studios used to (and many still do) make a game, put it out, then get started making a whole different game. Even with the modern ability to update games,

  1. Put game out

  2. Update game to deal with unforeseen bugs found once the masses have access

  3. Maybe put out 1 DLC if you want

  4. Make a new game now. A different game.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Then why are we taking their opinion over our own?

Typically, when people cite something like that, they defer to an expert in that field. In this case, maybe an anthropologist? There's nothing in the training to be a physicist that prepares them to understand the early stages of civilizations forming, let alone is longevity.

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