has an enermous repo buried somewhere
joined 1 year ago
Here is a controversial thought; do you need to replace the 4?
Then use the same password for both for the sake of convenience.
That option should solve your issue.
Why don't you just disable 18+ sources in the settings? Look at the Browse submenu.
Think gallery-dl already does this, granted there is no gui, but afaik it's maintained.
Just copy to the reader?
Think there was a github repo with a script which reads out the visible information from an epub and puts it into a new one. Basically copying it, but leaving everything extra behind. Sadly could not find it at the moment.
Remove watermarks, metadata, etc first. Whatever could be used to identify you.
Its the same as therarbg(dot)com
Frankly, don't know. I joined when the new site started.