I was using mulch on one of my old phone . I don't use it that much but mulch was the only browser that it could run.
joined 1 month ago
Can I trust beeper ? The app that let's you to use all messaging apps in one place.
They didn't mentioned Mull . What will happen with it? Will it be discontinued,??
Than its googls fault
I have seen it happening when Force dark mode is on in developer option
Heliboard is lite and does everything for me. I use moshidon for mastodon.
Thousand times better than chrome :-) I don't use it btw
Of course you can keep ass there 🤣
You still using chrome.... 😮
To be honest if you disable crypto stuff in brave it's a solid browser. I recommend it to those people who are still using chrome .
In my list everything is open source
- Moshidon (for mastodon)
- Eternity (Lemmy)
- KeepassDX (pass manager)
- Local send
- Heliboard (keyboard)
- Droidify (fdroid)
- Fossify gallery
- Multi calculator
- Cromite ( chromium browser)
- Mull ( Firefox )
- Rethink DNS, firewall
- SD maid se ( cache cleaning )
- Tubular ( for yt sometimes)
- Fossify calendar
- Conversation (xmpp)
- Molly(signal)
- Markor (notes) At last URLcheck
on Fdroid updates are slow ( you'll get update after 2-3 days) Obtainium works with app verifier.
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So it's making those Google firebase DNS requests.