Yeah I’m a bit confused why suddenly ‘being scanned’ is news. Digidoubles have Been commonly used for well over a decade now in film.
Fran is saying we’re all going to be replaced by machines as if it’s the future but it’s being going on for a lot longer than now. Digidoubles replacing main actors a has been a mainstay in action movies for well over a decade.
When it comes to AI, It’s been tearing at the base of art (in general) for years before now. One of the more recent cases
One of the reasons I’m excited about the fediverse is it means we can potentially have a server that artists can share their work safe away from the trawling AI machine.
They’ll take ‘saving money’ up front over the fear of creeping out an audience and losing more money in the long run. The producers wasn’t fiction. it was a documentary.
It’s like that black mirror episode with Ann Murphy salma hayeck
It’s always sunny in Philadelphia ! yikes I see what you mean. This is full on messed up
I recommend pb on garlic toast
Peanut butter in garlic bread
Please calm yourself down
I’d drop this. This reaches into therapizing, tone policing, telling a person their job on their selves and their feelings, making demands that is exclusively tailoring the interaction for your own comfort and convenience. Maybe it makes sense to you at the time but it is self serving and that person might have a lot of struggles you are not considering to get there and this can come off as ‘just pull yourself up by your bootstraps’. Their journey might be different than your’s on what it takes to manage their emotions. They might not even know how to. This tends to be the gas on the fire in fights for that reason as it is dismissive of their entire experience. Keep it to what you will accept (which you are perfectly in your right to maintain) and maybe your perspective on why it’s so hard to interact with them eg:’I find it very hard to know what I should expect about your behaviour/emotional state/I’m feeling overwhelmed when you do so I need to be away from you for a while’.
TLDR: own your feelings about the situation but stay out of their business of how they should manage their feelings.
I’m not a fan of avoidance technique off the bat as that just exacerbates disassociative disorders even worse. life isn’t a clean ‘no confrontation’ experience. That said, we don’t owe abusive people an audience.
If a person is doing something wrong and someone else is overreacting or maybe they are perfectly in their right to be yelling (if you killed their pet or something) then yeah, you can expect some fallout from this! You’re not a victim in a circumstance of ‘being yelled at’ when the bigger picture is you did something that really hurt a person to that degree that they are broken and cannot respond ‘appropriately’.
In circumstances where it’s just someone is being overreactive,yeah, Usually just stating “stop yelling” should be enough. If they keep at it, then definitely leave. That person is not owed an audience or a person to abuse.
So it WAS a game to him. Glad I stopped playing it.
“Oh you should get an e-car. They are better for the environment. It only costs 10x your paycheck” and actually isn’t that much better for the environment after all and it was all just another capitalist pyramid scheme in the end.