[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 11 points 23 hours ago

Shit like this is why my smart tv has never been given internet access.

The software on my Samsung is so fucked that if I physically switch HDMI connections between inputs, it puts up a screen saying "switching source" despite my new source already being visible on the screen for 3-5 seconds before the tv claims to switch it. One of these days it will piss me off enough to softmod it, but right now I'm too stubborn to spend a day reading how and taking the time to do it.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 3 points 4 days ago

Well if you're just reading random CBAs without the context of being a worker within that CBA, there is a lot you're going to miss. Unions are not something you can fully understand from the outside looking in. Generally it's only the executives and officers within a union who have a good idea of how the whole thing works.

Lets use vacation time as an example. If you read my CBA you will find I earn 10 hours of vacation time a month, or three weeks a year. That may seem low, but my employer gives us two weeks paid off when the business shuts down for Christmas. So 40% of my vacation time is not mentioned in the CBA. My employer is also generous with sick days and none of that is part of the CBA, so you can add another week and a half of time off a year. So my CBA says I'm entitled to three weeks off a year but really I end up getting six and a half.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 17 points 4 days ago

No one outside your union can tell you specifically how or why they bargained a certain way. You should get involved more with your union and ask them these questions instead of posting here. Every union is different and they're obligated to explain these things to any member who asks. If any of it discourages you, then it is up to you to educate other members on why you think that's wrong and help get them organized for the next round of bargaining. A union is only as good as its active members.

If your Canadian union isn't working for you and the above doesn't help, then you file a DFR report with the labour board. Even mentioning DFR (duty of fair representation) should get you service if the union is being adversarial.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 41 points 4 months ago

The biggest consequence was a settlement payment to those mistreated. Which didn't come out of the police budget or pension so basically they got to force the taxpayer to bail them out for their incompetence after the government already paid over a billion dollars for extra security.


[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 37 points 4 months ago

I started a permanent loblaws boycott this week. Won't be shopping at any of the other big names either. Preparing to participate in the boycott led me to sign up for a co op that I should've been using all along and I don't see myself ever going back. Anything they don't carry I can get at a local independent grocer and they're usually a little cheaper than no frills anyway.

Co ops are a solution to corporate greed, use them whenever possible.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 43 points 6 months ago

So this is why I began review bombing Dragons Dogma 2. I was doing a quest with an extremely unclear objective and I thought maybe killing a certain snarky NPC would progress it. So I carefully saved before attacking the npc. Killing the npc didn't work so I tried to reload my file, only to find the game autosaved the second I killed the npc. The game only allows two saves, one you kinda control that gets autosaved over A LOT, and one from when you last rested in an inn. Resting at an inn is somewhat expensive and just worse than camping overall, so I hadn't used an inn within the last 8 hours of play.

I distinctly got the vibe that it was designed that way on purpose. You can revive NPCs, but the item to do so is rare and limited unless you pay real money. A lot of the quests seem designed to encourage mistakes that will make you consider giving them more money in order to fix. Its like an MBA came by at the end and editted everything in game to make it as sleazy as possible. The saddest part is that if they took that aspect away and added some small bug fixes, it would legitimately be a 10/10 game.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 62 points 8 months ago

You seem to be missing their concept of the coupon. According to sovcits, at birth you are essentially registered as a stock in the corporation of the country you're born in. This is your legal entity referred to with all caps in paperwork. Each stock is worth the GDP of that nation divided by population. Their coupons are supposed to direct billers to use the money from their stock to pay for goods and services.

Of course its all bullshit. But they do believe that people who provide them with goods and services are being compensated with actual money. They also tend to believe their stock is a source of limitless income as long as the country maintains the same GDP. Basically they're larping as Musk and Bezos but without owning any real stock to borrow off of.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 75 points 10 months ago

I spend roughly 700 a year in union dues. I make 25-30% more than those in my industry without a union. So while it is true that I could buy an xbox if I wasn't in a union, the reality is I can buy all consoles and a gaming PC with enough money left for a vacation BECAUSE I'm part of a union.

That doesn't even factor in healthcare benefits, more PTO than I can remember to use, or the fact that my bosses will never yell at me because they don't want to deal with the fallout from the union. The lack of yelling alone is worth the union dues for me.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 36 points 10 months ago

Well since they can't reach that speed without being in the air, technically they're the fastest animals OFF Earth.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 41 points 10 months ago

I keep a light up plastic sword beside my bed for this very reason. The same fun for a tenth of the cost and it hangs nicely on my towel rack while I pee.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 31 points 11 months ago

Most tree planters would agree. The industry has a high rate turnover so half the people who do it don't stick around long enough to really wrap their minds around how bad it is. I spent over a decade in the industry and planted a little over 1.3 million in that time, but I don't tell people about it IRL because I got sick and tired of cringing with my entire being every time someone thanked me for it.

The saddest part is that in my experience, companies doing carbon credits or naturalization projects do a far worse job than the logging companies. We had a recurring contract with the carbon farmer where we went to the same fields year after year and planted trees that immediately died due to poor stock selection and ground preparation. They don't have the regulation and oversight that the logging companies do. They also profit from convincing people to pay them to plant so it is in their best interests those trees die so they can maximize their profits with less land use.

[-] SirDankbud@lemmy.ca 34 points 11 months ago

You can actually have more fun with sturgeon than the Germans!Sturgeon still live naturally throughout North America but are extinct in Germany. They only get to experience the glory of these dinosaur fish through pictures, we have them in our rivers and lakes. They're one of our most interesting freshwater species as well, check em out if you enjoy learning about nature!

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