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[–] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

People don't like cars, people like freedom and convenience. The US is designed around cars, and it's not impossible to live without a car, but very close. Your argument is like saying people like health insurance, that's why they keep buying it. The issue is that there isn't a different choice.

It reminds me of the future Borg from Voyager.

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I love that episode.

And the moral of "I can get stuff just by asking for it!" Is a real lesson.

I agree with their politics, I just feel that plot took a hit to allow them to soapbox more. Aliens lost what made them alien and became humans with make up.

My issue isn't the message, to me it felt like the lecturing of DISCO with fart jokes.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I was making over $60k a year managing a small retail store.

It isn't too hard to break into management of boutique retail shops, but you are basically a rep who doesn't get overtime and has a few additional responsibilities. A part time job at a big corporation won't be a living wage, but it's possible to make a living in retail.

The job really sucks though.

[–] 17 points 1 year ago (6 children)

The big difference is the type of job you can get.

If you want to work retail you can make decent money, but you are standing all day, dealing with entitled people and work hours that make it difficult to have a life. If you want a 9-5 better get a degree.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (9 children)

I was really disappointed with the most recent series of Orville. I feel they moved from social commentary to being preachy and smug.

The biggest example of this is the time travel episode in season 3. You have someone who has established a life and has kids and real character growth, who wants to be able to live the life they established after being abandoned for 20 years. On the other hand you have Seth McFarland saying that it's bad. There isn't any real discussion of what right is, it's just McFarland saying that he's right and then circumventing any resistance. It ends with McFarland being smug he did the right thing and having no self reflection on the damage he did.

To be clear, I'm all about social commentary in my sci-fi but I feel like anything interesting is diluted to make it a closer parallel to earth. The Moclans went from a unique all male species, to having a rare minority that allowed for discussion of trans rights, to in season 3 being 50-50 split and a tired gender war trope.

I think the Orville has gotten lazy and moved further and further away from having interesting plots to talk about big ideas and moved more towards character driven drama and lazy hamfisted commentary.

You ever think about how weird most housing is?

Suburbia is lines of houses with the same items in them not being used. Full of people who become petty tyrants comparing about a car being parked to close or a yard not neat enough.

If you start to question how we should live together it's easier to see a way for landlords to cease to exist.

She was meant to be a foil against Data, but came off as hating him.

I think it's because Brent Spiner was so damn charismatic as Data.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The only thing he did that was questionable was set up 4 shifts. That's a big change and having engineering work around the clock is a bit of a dick move.

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