Hey! Got any ~~garlic~~ onions?
bum bum bum bahdadahdahdahdah
Hey! Got any ~~garlic~~ onions?
bum bum bum bahdadahdahdahdah
And elementary schools! Don't forget elementary schools.
Something something think of the children! calls in bomb threat
They wear their title proudly. Openly admit it in the streets.
And yet for some reason, are allowed to continue to operate freely.
Our country goes to war for less.
Edit: A friend of mine got this shoved in their mailbox today
Totally not domestic terrorists...
Red = ded
If you don't want ded, make sure no red.
It, along with anything high capacity and rapid firing, are perfectly designed for filling long narrow corridors with hot lead in a short amount of time.
Shotguns were just easier to carry. Still are, mostly.
To be fair, history is filled with people calling shotguns unfair for one thing or another. Like the punt guns that would take out entire flocks of waterfowl at a time...
They're all the same Q.
Which brings about the question: Is Alexander half-Q, or did Q just steal a klingon baby...
You know, I've also heard people saying this. Many people are saying this.
Who specifically? Oh, I can't recall.
But lots of people are saying this.
My old school didn't understand why none of us wanted to use the shiny new dark green playground equipment on the large flat freshly sealed blacktop.
Never mind the fact that it's too hot on the pavement, the tar sealant smells horrible, and the color choice of the equipment guarantees 2nd degree burns...
We wanted the grass and wooden equipment back. But the school though wood was too much maintenance, And grass grows too much.
I'm not gonna go check to see if kids are even using it anymore, but satellite imagery shows the playground is still just as gross.
And here I thought I agreed with the Haitians, and thought that people like John Brown did nothing wrong...
Turns out I'm Big Mad?
I don’t know how all the people that aren’t getting promotions are doing it.
In other words, "they're not."
Pfffft. Miss me with that shit.
I drink tea thank you.
Nationalist Christians?
Hmm.... We should come up with a word for that.
How about Nat-Cs?