I mean, I guess he gets a tiny fraction of that, since this won't ruin his company or him financially for the rest of his life if it doesn't work out, nor does he actually put in the work any further than a phone call that his assistant sets up. The rest is all done by various departments, all he does is wait for an email saying it's been recieved.
I only buy games on steam when they're like $5 or less.
I have less than $200 spent in total over the last 16/17 years on steam, and I don't see myself breaking the $5 limit.
I even pay GOG non sale prices if a steam sale jogs my memory of a game I want.
Sailing the high seas isn't feasible right now since I don't control the internet here and I'm not going to risk me not knowing something and landing the owner with potential legal trouble. But I will hopefully be dusting my hat off soon.
I need to get a couple more external drives and make at least one Faraday cage to keep one in.
All my installers are on a 1tb hdd that sits in my dresser. Made it a lot easier to put my games on my new laptop since they were installed before I even got to hooking it up to the internet.
Providing nothing that isn't covered by other areas of the business, while profiting off the misery of others?
It's children whining about how life is unfair but instead of actually trying to do something about it now, they'd rather feel smugly superior as they do fuckall and "wait for the revolution" or whatever.
Do I believe positive change is quick or easy? Fuck no. It's hard work and it takes a ton of us working together. I harbor no illusions that my own singular voice will ever matter on a large scale, and I will happily take up my arms to defend the rights of those whose only crime is existing while lgbtq+/poc/whatever, but I'm gonna vote and campaign and everything I can do in the meantime.
Whether we're headed for a cliff as a species or not is irrelevant, I don't feel the need to hit the gas or sit back while mocking the people who are trying to stop the bus.
Even if I combined all my extended family, close friends, my in-laws, my friend's pepper dad, AND every armed leftist I know into one stockpile, I wouldn't come close to 250k.
This dude was his own logistics depot.
A dozen wasps.
Level of aliveness is irrelevant.
My sister in law with 8 children is "against it as a contraceptive" which I'm not convinced has been a thing for more than a handful of people that wasn't due to lack of proper contraceptive access and education, or mental disorder.
However she AND her religious husband have been "reconsidering" purely from the goodness of their hearts and surely not because the majority of their children are girls, the oldest of which is soon to be a teenager, I'm sure. Definitely not because now it affects their family directly...
And because I'm sure someone will get a giggle out of this anecdote, they forbid any sleepovers with BOYS because they don't want anyone "making purple", but) and completely dismiss the fact that their girls could decide they would rather make pinker pink.
Everett true began in the early 1900s as in 1900-1909.
Nobody had decided to co-opt it for their shitty ideals yet.
I'll/we'll be in my/our bunk.
Smh my head, it's so obvious now!
Construction companies hate this one weird trick for quick jobs!
... But why?