Posting about it is one thing.
Specifically calling for violence is against LW's TOS, and they seem to be ban happy when the violence is directed at the owning class.
As for people calling for violence being posted, I've seen very few comments more than 30 minutes old on LW doing that, but plenty on other servers. I'm not sure how LW is handling other instance comments though.
I remember growing up in Ohio when we banned smoking, there were commercials CONSTANTLY about it.
Smoke FREE Ohio vs smoke LESS Ohio.
And even in school I could tell that smoke LESS Ohio was going to force places that didn't have smoking, to allow smoking in certain areas.
And the guy in the commercial for it acted incredulous that they would ban smoking in bars! The horror! A place where people are densely packed clearly should be filled with cancerous death fog, slowly killing people who want to be at the bar but not partake in death sticks.
I was super happy when the ban happened. I hated going to nearby states without the smoking ban.
It took years for golden corral to stop smelling like shit.