Neither? Lol
Why spend all the money union busting then do shit like this. Won't this just starts another round of unionization?
This testicles guy's really got a pair huh?
Was this the Whistlin Diesel Tesla?
To be fair, I'd bet that there are more men willing to ejaculate for science than people willing to have their brain analyzed for science.
Oh good, more content to pirate.
No, he faced backlash over wasting fuel, which is running out, and creating more carbon emissions, which are killing all of us, including this fucking dumb ass.
He wished for an elephant cock.
Damn and I thought I'd never be able to agree with the man.
Also, the thing he said, "It doesn't matter what you say, say it enough and people will believe you."
This is true! They've done studies on propaganda and the determining factor on whether or not people believed it is usually volume. If you perceive a lot of social pressure to change your beliefs to fit into a group you want to be a part of, you're more likely to change your beliefs. So yah know, keep churning out those leftie memes and content!!
We don't need to make up new words to normalize an obnoxious asshole exercising his wealth in a vulgar display of maleficence towards the environment.
This is how rich people see themselves tho, and it's important to pay attention to that. They all think their a small cadre of radical hold outs fighting an evil government trying to exercise over regulation. They think they're the rebels from star wars.
I thought I saw somewhere he was a backer of Plan 2025.