I can highly recommend "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein. I can't believe they never made it into a movie.
gift wrapped.
Kiff!! set phazers on.. stunning.
Glad it's not just me.
whoa.. duuude...
I used to eat raw home made cookie dough - raw eggs and all. What can I say, I like living on the edge.
I think perma-grin is the medical term for a shit-eating one.
Just realize if you see a professional lady she's going to know her business and will be more comfortable and experienced than non-pro girl you might date or hook up with. I agree, there's nothing wrong with seeing a pro! But each partner has a different sexual experience level, etc.
I have this same machine! Change the stroke length to shorter to start with, and start with a smaller dildo to get the hang of it. Take time to get it lined up properly.
The Foundation trilogy is good, but he actually linked all his Spacer books, Robot books, Empire books, and Foundation books together in an interesting way. Asimov can spin a damn good yarn and you can't beat him for vast epic stories, but of the old-school sci-fi guys I slightly prefer Heinlein for one off stories.