Nokia 2660 flip or nokia 6300 4g are good ones

[-] 40 points 5 months ago

I had one in my hotel room with the note „we give a duck“.

[-] 36 points 5 months ago

I‘d use Ketozolin shampoo regularly. This looks like tinea barbea.

[-] 19 points 7 months ago

I totally think it is not a thing. Just two random ignorant fools doing it (maybe, and maybe not).

Barefoot shoes are a thing though, with a very thin sole and a very direkt Response to ground texture. I have a small collection of these and i am a big fan of them. However, if i want to go completely barefoot (or simply forget my shoes again), i just don’t Wasser shoes.

happy thanks giving (

Happy thanks giving everyone. Do you celebrate and if so, how?

The difference between those two is really small, to be honest. Just the recipe how to cook them.

New York —> new Amsterdam —> Amsterdam (Netherlands)

This isn’t about being intelligent or not. Everybody has areas where they excel and areas with lack of knowledge and or experience.

If I have nothing to contribute, I take interest in a topic. If I am the expert, I happily talk or discuss about it. And one still has recreational activities or the weather to report about.

Pro tip: get a rice cooker. No more burnt rice. Also: much better rice.

Actually, it can be useful in the car to send a message to someone like „I’ll be there a couple of minutes late“ or „shall I bring home something?“ without distracting yourself.


Hey fellow coffee friends. As it is hot season here in Germany I actually enjoy my coffee cold, so I set up a cold brew every two or three days.

Well, when I got into that habit I got the hint to never let the brew touch metal as it alters the taste to the worse, it gets sour and „off“.

Now my question is, is this a myth? I see cold brew makers which would be way more convenient than my measurement cup/cotton filter method, but all of them have some kind of metal filter, so I am very reluctant to buy one of those. Has anyone insights and our experience on this topic?

Any personal crisis is a good reason, child sick, significant other in a crash, you getting sick.

Free after xkcd: an app that’s you can ask if today is Christmas. It answers always „no“ and can be advertised with „99,73% accuracy“

So what? I haven’t read it here, I saw it for the first time. And it is a good story.


Irgendwie kommt man sich etwas auf den Arm genommen vor. Die gekauften (oder verdienten) Münzen verfallen also ersatzlos, Reddit premium wird kastriert.

Dumme Frage, wenn man ein Jahres Abo premium hatte (läuft zum Glück nicht mehr lange und ist bereits gekündigt), hat man wegen der API oder wegen der Münzen (wesentliche Änderung des Vertrages) ein Sonderkündigungsrecht?

mnt. Doom (

My favourite, to be honest


Has anyone experience in those, yet? I think it will be available in Germany soon, so if anyone can tell me the difference they experienced I’d be grateful.

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joined 1 year ago