Pigeonholing / steoreotyping people according to an aspect over which they have zero control? Yeah that does sound vaguely unfriendly - just a bit!
It is an age-old question: which is worse, slavery, or death?
In South America, the textile mills ran through slaves at such a rapid pace that they kept having to constantly import new ones from Africa. They would lose not just appendages but whole entire limbs to the machines, and people only have so many of those! Ofc the capitalists could have made improvements to the machines but... why bother, when slaves were fairly cheap?
In North America, working in the cotton fields was much more bearable - an Irish indentured servant might not be able to handle it, but someone with skin adapted to that level of sun had fewer problems with it. Yet, arguably this became even worse than the textile mills, bc it allowed a stable population of the slaves, which led to a generational form of slavery where these were thought of not just as people who were slaves, but as closer to cattle that could be bred as such. The "three fifths of a person" rule is quite illuminating as to how they were thought of: not even merely one notch down, but barely more than half, as in looks like a person bodily (e.g. opposable thumbs) but isn't one, not really.
But now with Globalization and Automation, instead of finding new groups of "other" people (even robots), it will be basically all of us who are fair game to become enslaved. Already we are dividing up into those who show a willingness to exploit others vs. those who will be trampled upon - i.e. the only other option to being a slave is to become a slaver, aka there are far worse things than death:-(. ☠️
Well I cannot argue against Mad Max... I'm too scared to!
You are so very welcome my fellow Lemmy...ite? I dunno what we are called, and at this point I am afraid to ask!:-P
Oh, Lemmyian sounds cool!
On the plus side, now the trauma has expanded beyond mental conditions to include physical aspects such as death of pregnant women as well!
Unfortunately "plus" here means "additionally", as it will continue to grow - now also including potential mothers and fathers who will no longer be able to use IVF due to the latest insanity. Already maternity care for wanted babies has suffered greatly.
Jesus Himself passionately hated religious hypocrites, and the Bible itself, Old and New Testaments alike, says things like "The worker deserves their wages", "Religion that is pure and true is to help those less fortunate", etc. Just like those "patriots" who stormed the USA Capitol on January 6th - citing how they were "defending the Constitution", while actually trying to overthrow it - there is no justification for this even within the very thing those very people point to as having provided their "excuse".
Might does not make Right, although... it might as well I guess, if nobody will stand up to the bullies. These things must be fought against, hard - and especially by people who identify as Christians but also by anyone who cares about the harm that is being done. e.g., states don't have to passively wait for Federal laws - we can pass local ones firming up protections for medical care right now. Congress may be non-functional these days, but there are other ways to get things done: local governments, or nonprofits. And if the "religions" want to join in, even if just offering funding, that's fantastic - but we need to do it either way, with or more likely without the majority of them.
And due to inflation, we keep paying more for that exact privilege!
Let's see... war, famine, pestilence, plague - nope, nothing about giant bears.
Only if climate change doesn't kill us all first:-)
Okay well if you want to talk more about it we can but obviously not if you need a break. I did warn you... that video is... a LOT to have to process! I have watched it many times and still can't quite put my finger on it.
If in part it seems like it is missing something, note that it is: judgement. The creator does not say whether these things are "good" or "bad", as almost every other YouTuber does these days, but simply presents the information for us to make up our own judgements. Wow, such respect accorded to us!
Fwiw I think you are right about a lot of what you said: the forces of Globalization and Automation are changing our world, and Democracy isn't as necessary as it once was, to have e.g. advances in science, technology, and so on. e.g. Boeing planes can literally fall out of the sky, and what do trillionaires care for the loss of a few more of the masses, among the billions of people already on this planet, when they have computers and possibly a single pilot to fly their fleet of tens of private jets anywhere and however they want?
Anyway, rest easy - these things won't be solved overnight, or possibly at all, but either way they are kinda out of our hands.
Or doesn't string theory postulate that electrons themselves are merely vibrations of even more foundational... thingies, though ofc nobody really knows much about that.
Maybe we're all part of the same waveform duality equation:-). I really dislike the thought that I could be in any way related to Donald Trump, but it does give me compassion to think that there but for the grace of God (and education, and genetics, and circumstances, and hopefully many more things added to this list to provide separation:-) go I, or any of us really.
Or like a forklift (or tank!). Dang boy, what have they been feeding you out there!? :-P
Cool! I will wear it with...