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[–] 1 points 10 months ago (44 children)

That is weird. Does HBO block it even from their direct website? And then this video is 5 years old so it may not even be on there - so with little profits to gain from it, they still would block it regardless, b/c they are just that petty:-(. Yay "freedom"!:-P

Well, one last link in case it helps:

Or the Piped version is:

but I think that still streams from the YouTube so would not expect it to work, unless like YouTube itself a proxy could bypass it.

[–] 50 points 10 months ago

This "threat" stings less and less over time - i.e., if we get nothing from them now in taxes, then how would them moving away change anything? Like, would we pay higher amounts for food maybe, or not be able to buy a house anymore, or have lesser access to medical care as a result?

Also, we cannot change how others act, only what we ourselves do. e.g. perhaps if they become honest about being non-taxpaying corporations, we could do things like pass laws restricting the amount of money that such entities could contribute to politicians?

Ultimately, would it be so bad if like "Apple" were a non-American company anymore, and we could incentive our own USA-backed companies instead? (or if Apple does pay appropriate taxes, then substitute with some other company example here) Likewise, Google already is losing its ability to "find stuff", b/c of its chasing after pure profiteering. Let them go, I say, b/c while that may induce some pain in the short-term, it is the only way that we will heal.

But, I have been wrong before, and you should not base any real decisions off of my opinion:-).

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

And it makes total sense, bc the idea of a "PC" hadn't been tried yet, bc the technology simply wasn't yet up to the task. And yeah I think I remember the same thing about that quote, though who knows:-P.

Anyway, it was hard for computers to be wrong about simple arithmetic operations, but they've come a long way since then, and AIs are now wrong more often than not.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (46 children)

That's odd - I wonder if it is actually blocked there. Take consolation that John Oliver would very much want you to, under those circumstances:-). Also, how much more of an impact is that video going to have on you as you see it enacted before your very eyes, if your nation did block it.

[–] 9 points 10 months ago (1 children)

People did answer the question. Re-read the top two comments, sorted by Top. The question was "Why don't we hear more about...?".

It is emotionally difficult to accept, but it is the reality that we live in. The richer people have bodyguards and send their kids to better-protected schools, maybe bring in private tutors that are each more expensive than a cheap college education. They deal with this shit in their own way, leaving everyone else to the "freedom" to do as they please - subject to the whims of other lords who e.g. buy up all the media outlets, or buy up all the houses, etc. People do not wish to understand that this is what "absolute freedom" looks like, aka anarchy.

And quite frankly, random gun violence isn't even the top threat in America, bc climate change seems much more likely to kill us all, or else an actual civil war, or perhaps Russia or China will shut down our entire power grid, if our own home-grown terrorist extremists don't beat them to it.

iirc, most people here die of heart disease and cancer, and other things that mere exercise may provide a partial solution for. So we don't care about the deaths of kids or strangers for the sake reason we continue to eat burgers every single day: bc they are tasty and we DGAF about anything else.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago

Except they can jam up - otherwise as you said it would be better to reload one than to switch?

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (48 children)

Oh that's weird. If it helps, here's another link that my phone automatically translates the above into: Anyway it's just the word "Authoritarianism". Enjoy!:-)

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (10 children)

I cannot stomach much of it, but it is fun to go back and watch older media related to technology - e.g. the six million dollar man has like spinning tape disks, when computers were entire-room affairs.

So he was right, using the definition at that time, though there was also so much potential for more.

Also it is funny to hear them say that technology would literally make the six million dollar man "better", not just "well again" or "he will have side effects but his capabilities will be far above the norm" or some such. One glance at Google these days, or a Boeing plane, does not inspire me to think of the word "better" than what came before even from those exact companies. Technology moves forward, but I am not so sure that the new is always "better" than the old. It was an interesting bias that they had though, during the cold war and after the moon landing.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I mean... America is influencial, therefore what evil is there gets spread more readily. Also it has historically been more transparent, so what evil is there is easier to see.

But e.g. Communist China has evil too, though it is usually better at hiding the details, and yet it cannot cover everything and what little does come out is rather chilling.

And India, well I can't start listing every country on earth, but let's just say that if I did, much evil would be listed out.

Smaller nations with less ability to create evil on a larger scale ofc may demonstrate less evil, but if those nations were to suddenly discover I dunno let's say vibranium, they would likely become just as evil as the USA. What nation doesn't have a sordid backstory of murder and espionage and assassination and so on? (Unless it is brand new I guess?) Though America does enjoy it to excess and even puts it on display, so yeah I agree with that part at least.

Check out that video I linked for more.

More to the point, I would hope for something to be DONE about the whole fiasco. Simply calling it "evil" is not enough - of course it's evil, and it also does good too, ironically, but now what? Commit violence against it? :-P

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

For now... except managers don't want to actually think, yet do want to be in control of even the tiniest aspects of every single fucking thing (see e.g. Boeing planes literally falling out of the sky, against the wishes of the engineers bc the managers figured that this way of skipping maintenance and then covering that truth from federal safety commissioners was "better"... for the sake of their profits ofc), so how soon until their unthinking need to "feel like" they are in control leads them to using computers to control the people, without even those humans who hold the admin rights ever making any conscious decisions?

I suspect that a thinking computer may be correct far more often than an unthinking human.:-D

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

How soon until we settle for just one of those though? :-P

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (4 children)

As @lad said, it is not the identical same thing, but yeah it certainly does seem connected.

As for evil, I could not name a single country on earth that wasn't, especially in a historic context, but neither does that excuse the USA for being thus.

Watching Rules for Rulers really opened my eyes on that score though.

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