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[–] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

Consider though what "unverified" means these days - the media circus is one of the three main sources that got Trump elected the last time (Hillary Clinton's corruption, e.g. with the DNC collusion, and Ted Cruz were the other two main ones iirc), so it seems like they have lost the public's trust?

Therefore if people turn to "unverified sources" - and who even is that really, like aren't Hank/John Green, Innuendo Studies, Kurzgesagt, CPG Grey, and then on the left the comedians like John Olivier, Jon Stewart, even fucking Bill Maher, and ofc on the right are those like Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, etc.? - can we really blame them, when the "verified" sources ARE lying to us? And keep in mind that people like Donald Trump, Mitch McConnel, Lindsey Graham, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Bohbert, etc. are among the "verified" ones, yes? They are "verified" by virtue of having the seal of approval by authority.

Maybe you mean places like the CDC, FDA, FBI, etc., and while I whole-heartedly agree, many others do not agree. (Also, Republicans like Trump are constantly ordering them to say or not say some things, like removing all words "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" from the official documents, and Yellowstone National Park was even forbidden to collect temperature data any longer - plus look into why doing taxes sucks, and why the post office sucks, it all becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when these organizations are targeted for destruction and then they get to cite how "unreliable" they are later, as if one action had nothing whatsoever to do with the direct consequences of it.) Meanwhile, in authoritarian communist China and Russia, the "verified" sources could be among the least trustworthy of them all? Now, the USA is not that... we have our own whole other thing going on here, but in both cases people turn to "unverified" sources for the same reason, and imho it is not the presence of the unverified sources that should concern us nearly so much as the absence of good information from verified ones - by which I mostly mean news media, but in some highly specific cases government agencies too, when they are forced to comply by a Congressional order despite the facts, possibly remaining under attack for YEARS until the director is replaced by someone who will be more easily controlled.

Also, of COURSE a lot of this comes from outside sources - I thought this was verified at some point - but also it would be a huge missed opportunity for that particular foreign not to take advantage of that opportunity, and they definitely are not that stupid. Also we do it ourselves to other nations all the time. Water is wet, stones are hard, h8rs gonna h8 and cheaters gonna cheat - at some point I don't even blame them anymore - or rather I at least cease to be surprised - and start blaming ourselves more for falling for such cheap tricks, over & over again! It is hard to get out of an abusive relationship, I get that, but if we need to do it then we just need to get it done, somehow! Or else we will fall, as a nation - and ngl that has a much better chance of happening now than it did back when Trump ran the first time.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

If it helps, just remember that its commentary on how "women are not real people" was SO egregious, even if more in line with some of the thinking of the day, that it SURELY must have been satire.

Or at least that is the only way that I can stomach reading it - so while I also happen to believe it, I also just "flat" (hehe) choose to believe it as well:-). Someone who sees so clearly into the heart of logic... well, I want to believe the best there rather than the abysmal worst that it appears as.

Thanks for the suggestions - I never looked around for another sequel, that is awesome!:-)

I really do enjoy people who "think outside of the box", as that is the main way to move forward - not to discount the enormous investments of efforts by tinkerers too, but we need a bit of both. Jules Verne, HG Wells, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, this Flatland book, CS Lewis - these giants could see far b/c they saw clearly into the hearts of people.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

As you should be:-). It is possible for both sides of a conflict to be in the wrong:-P.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (32 children)

Spot on! Jesus Himself hated the religious hypocrites ("Karens") of His day, calling them vipers and white-washed tombs, full of rot and decay even if slapped with a fresh coat of paint on the outside. Some people hear that and say "naw, I think I, as a Bishop or Pope or whatever, know far better than Jesus what 'Christianity' should mean", and then proceed to fondle little humans, but others think the latter is detestable and enormously gross:-(. Humans gonna human I guess, but it's not all equally good or bad - some of it is INSANE, and inside of us all we know what's what. Like if it happened to us or to someone we care about and we get mad, then we KNOW WTF is up. So those rich old white dudes (or equivalent thereof) are not even consistent with themselves, in that the walk does not match the talk, ergo it is false.

Ngl though, controlling the masses may have had a use, back in the day, before most people could read, by providing incentives for them to not kill and rape and steal and such. Even so, who can blame people then for being angry at finding out that their leaders don't even belief the crap that they're preaching? Which ironically doesn't even mean that it is false, just that I am agreeing with you about the need to dissect the issue by separating the "belief system" from the "authoritarian religion" components. In any case, here in the USA the latter got hijacked and evangelical christians especially seem to almost equate "God = vote for guns & conservatism". I almost just said conservatism there except that itself is too bland for many of them, who want to continue pushing to ever more far-right schemes. "God" for them is in-group selection.

Switching topics a bit, most of my friends online have been gay men. I am a cis het male btw, not that it matters but I am saying that I am friends with them not b/c of those shared aspects but more, I think, b/c they have empathy. People who have been through some shit end up having more "character" than those who do not. Entitled/spoiled people are the types to spit in your food, never dreaming of what else you have been through, and then they go and add to that burden. THEY would not want that done to THEM, yet they do it to you. On the other hand, people who are heavily bullied may end up broken and mean to others, so I am not saying that exposure to trauma causes empathy, but I am saying that it is a necessary if not sufficient component, it seems to me. So you have had that opportunity that they did not, and chose to do something with it. And that is indeed something worth being proud of!:-)

If you like the videos then I am glad that I sent the link to remind you of them. They are not light fare, but I did so enjoy pouring through them slowly, digesting each one in turn. It's like a college course in the material!:-)

As for the media on the other side, well, let's just say that Russia works in mysterious ways. Sometimes it is poisoning, but other times far more subtle. These days they are not even trying to be subtle anymore - Republican conventions are held in literal Moscow, as well as places such as Hungary. They are like minds, and Russia would be a fool not to partner with them, e.g. in that recent Tucker Carlson video interviewing Putin, if it would help speed the conversion of the USA from a foe to an ally. People do not spot it through b/c they are GOOD at what they do! Like, they poin ted out how Hillary Clinton was "corrupt" - b/c she WAS! The Supreme Court asked her to send all of her emails to them, and she told them "lolz no, Im gonna delete the ones that I do not want you to see first". Nobody can say that the optics surrounding that are anything remotely close to good. In fact, I gotta be careful here or I will go full-on rant on you, but remember that Trump did not win that election so much as she lost it (likewise, he did not win the Republican nomination either, so much as Ted Cruz lost it, after JEB botched the job). Whoever leaked her emails did the real work in that election - but then it was her actual words that she actually said and her actual actions that doomed her. Trump was outright shocked to have won - he never planned on it, did not really want it even, and gave some very serious thoughts to turning it down even! And even when he took it, he still just wanted to do the TV show that he had planned previously, on top of the job of being president. He is like a child - it is the situation that put him there, not (so much) his own intentions. In fact, I even have a little empathy for him too - he didn't want it, but he did try, despite the job being well beyond his capacity, and that's actually the tiniest shadow of a little light there (1 out of 1000 but still... it is worth noting and giving him that much credit at least; along with the blame for you know, the actual genocide of Americans by e.g. telling them that the virus was not airbone when he KNEW that it was).

Anyway, it is not "just" the people that are broken, I agree, it is the SYSTEM. Although the system is made up out of people so... that's where I get lost. But that is also why I think what you are saying is good, about not abandoning people: b/c if enough people did THAT, then the system would not be the way it is today. Somewhere in there I do think that the carrot needs to be set down and the stick picked up, and I acknowledge that I have never figured out that the line that should distinguish between them, but I think that when you KNOW that the carrot is the thing to be done and you do it ANYWAY despite the cost, that is integrity. Which some few authoritarians that I have met personally I feel like also have, in that they turn to the stick too readily and without understanding it, but most - e.g. those who showed up at the capitol - do not, b/c how can you "protect" the Constitution if you haven't even so much as read it? A "coup" to overturn something is NOT the same thing as "saving" it, dummies!!!:-(

Which is why I have to admit that I have lost the faith: with ~80% of Americans being somewhere in the middle between the extreme left and right sides, and with good-hearted and honest people with some amount of integrity on both sides, yes and some child-like mindsets too, this isn't something that most of us even seem to want to fight about? However, our media sells fear and extremism, and our politicians too, and with all these parasites sucking up our attention, how then is someone supposed to rise up and actually GOVERN? As ironically Biden has been doing, or at least trying to, though Congress and the Supreme Court seem more responsible for a goodly fraction of the issues that most average Americans are experiencing right now (not Gaza, but that's a whole other thing, and frankly that doesn't directly affect most "average" Americans either). I hope something will restore my faith, but I am not optimistic about that:-(. Therefore I believe that I am living in a dying country, but I do whatever I can to help others in my vicinity and abroad nonetheless, not b/c I think I will necessarily accomplish anything truly great there, but simply b/c it is who I am and how I want to be. We all need to live out our authentic lives, being our true selves:-).

[–] 9 points 10 months ago

Stop trying to tell the computer what to do - it should be free to act however it wants to! :-P

[–] 27 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Biden may not care more about average Americans than America, but he at least cares more about Americans than Trump does.

[–] 160 points 10 months ago (72 children)

It makes sense. He's actually been competent, which not many (certainly not I) quite expected, but the media hasn't reported a lot of his successes, which have been unusually deployed and quite complex to begin with. People don't understand it. Maybe they'll vote for him anyway, but it's not assured, somehow even with Trump on the other side again. he blocked the railway strike at Christmas to save "the economy" first and foremost at the workers expense, but then kept working afterwards to help get most if not all of their demands met (I'm not sure if they got any sick leave though). Right or wrong, in the past that would have been hailed as a "huge success", but instead we barely heard about it.

Likewise with Gaza he has tried to toe the line - we technically have obligations to fulfill there, but does genocide change that, and if so what is the process by which to do that, and is he engaging in that, or doesn't Israel have a veto anyway, so what else is he doing that we might want done?

We have depended upon our media so much, to tell us not just what happened but what it means and how to feel about it all. So with it being bought out now by billionaires... it is like our fourth branch of government has become as unreliable as Congress and the Supreme Court.

[–] 11 points 10 months ago (3 children)

How ironic... people now need to learn a computer language in order to understand the computer? (instead of so that the computer can understand people)

[–] 10 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Even getting 2+2=2 98% of the time is good enough for that. :-P

spoiler(wait, 2+2 is what now?)

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

It would need datasets to be trained on, or the proprietary models.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Bc corruption, one presumes, getting the government to get involved with people's rights to choose. Yeah it's weird for me too:-P.

Total deregulation=anarchy, but not all regulations are good either. This is the kind of stuff that made people choose capitalism in the first place, to try to get away from it (not that it worked, obviously).

[–] 6 points 10 months ago

I mean, celestial means "the heavens" so... they pretty much are. Like even if they had a different mode of travel altogether that would allow bypassing traveling through space, they still would have come from the stars... or beyond this universe (or something even weirder like time).

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