
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago (8 children)

Thank you for the suggestion. So far I've just taken to saying "Fediverse", perhaps I'm holding out hope for still more clients in the future:-)? Also it's shorter than Lemmy/Kbin/Mbin:-).

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (10 children)

Likewise I also moved on from Kbin. Obviously we have no power over that project, that belongs solely to the person who created it, but we do control our own actions. e.g. I used to sing the praises of the Fediverse and go out of my way to not equate it with Lemmy - always saying like Lemmy/Kbin. Now I still do the former but I actively tell people that Kbin might not be a good match for them. Ernest has kept it as alpha version software - which is fine, there is a need for such things, and it will become great, someday... hopefully. But today is not that day, and that is super good for people to know, e.g. that they don't have to leave the Fediverse entirely to get a more functional experience, just

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Trick and treat!:-P

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

They are what ~~maximizes shareholder value~~ plants crave, ofc!

And what is it that plants crave? Why, electrolytes ofc!

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

It is so creative! Like, is he good/redeemed, or rather still has evil/maladaptive qualities even if harnessed to now be put to better use for the benefit of himself + (a wider, larger) society, or is the situation far more complex than that? It is definitely one that sticks with you:-).

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (6 children)

That's so neat, thanks for sharing!:-)

[–] 27 points 9 months ago (2 children)
[–] 14 points 9 months ago

Even if they had...


... again!

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (10 children)

Some people can think in 7 dimensions at once, or so they say. For those of us who struggle to even contemplate a hypercube, we may not even begin to realize how impressive that must be. Then again, that is only one form of IQ, and EQ is still entirely separate. Still, how could an eagle even begin to describe to a turtle what life is like? Not that an eagle is "better" and a turtle "worse", but despite coinhabiting the same "world" as in physical space, they do experience that world according to SUCH different criteria that they essentially live in separate realities, like different dimensions of that "world".

As you said. Similarly in the USA, a white person can call out to a police officer and have some expectation of receiving immediate help, whereas a black person might get the literal opposite of help if they tried the same action. Rich or beautiful people likewise receive differential treatment - the same location, the same experiences, but received against a backdrop of a different lifestyle. Getting fired, or divorced, may just be laughed off by those who would be "set free" by such, vs. someone for whom that is their last thread. It is "the same"... yet so very, Very, VERY different! The tortise and the eagle, or the hare.

The irony there is that mathematics is pretty much the one universal constant. English, or French, or other languages may vary in their interpretation, and even Logic itself becomes subsumed by mere Justification in human hands. Even programming languages differ - identical syntax may be interpreted differently by C, C++, Java, etc. - though it does come fairly close when you specify all of the code, the language, and the receiving device, which together deterministically implements the mathematical instructions via the flow of electrons in the physical world. Math made real - pattern becomes substance (or something else even cooler-sounding, I dunno:-P).

Speaking of I have not read a Satanic one - surely there must be more than one type? - but I would give it a chance if I ever came across it. There's a lot to like there. Also a lot I do not like, but that is the same with literally everything. Not quite the same thing, but on a related note: most pagan religions "lost" the war against Christianity, which I feel like gives the latter some credence. Although... ofc it is not that Christianity "won", so much as that they "lost" - a HUGE distinction. Perhaps Christianity will lose someday as well... or maybe Jesus is a space/reality alien and when the energy beings come to enslave the human race, those of us who follow it will have been more properly prepared to serve the new overlords? (after all, if Might makes Right, especially for a being - like the owner of The Matrix - who literally can MAKE a Universe, then they do get to call the shots, whether we like it or not) Yeah, that's pretty out there, so I will bring us back to: who knows, really? Nobody, at least not perfectly, though we try to do the best we can, as far as we know at the time.

I do not believe in wasted time either... although just try telling that to a boss! Those with more authoritarian mindsets are not capable of accepting this aspect of the Universe, and I concede too that there must be a Balance. So wtf does that even mean - that it both is a waste of time, yet that waste was itself not a waste!? Yes. You get me. It is a contradiction, and within that paradox lies such beauty as to take our breaths away. Yin and Yang - not one or the other, but fucking both, always and never not that.

You also have a beautiful perspective on abusers: sometimes they do not mean it, sometimes they do but are not "evil", sometimes they are but... so what? We still gotta roll how we want to, not just always react to however others want, or even not want, us to. We chase after our goals, and they do whatever little thing they want, and we need not even break our stride as we press onwards. This point was REALLY driven home for me HARD when Trump won the 2016 election. Conservatives just did not give two fucks about "him", but they liked what he could do for them... it was quite strategic. Raw. Naked. Bleeding. Evil incarnate... and therefore beautiful for all of that? Like that movie Haunting of Hill House: a darkness that shines as bright as the stars themselves - and all the more deadly as a result of that. Jon Stewart tried to warn us, he foresaw that and said how "liberal media aims to be correct, but conservative media aims to be effective". This is why I have lost faith in democracy: it depends on presuppositions, specifically that the voting citizenry are aiming to vote correctly, and that errors are distributed randomly; however it is vulnerable to an outside attack that cause all the errors to bend in a single direction: towards the will of the evil ones (whoever they may be - Putin, Bezos, Musk, and others who prefer to hide deeper in the shadows). Oh well. Like everything else: I will enjoy it while I can.

But anyway, you were speaking of smaller-scale abuses, like a turtle crying over something to another turtle, never realizing that e.g. taking a long time to speak could be agonizing to an eagle (or the analogy works far better in reverse:-D). Many people do not realize it. Many others do realize it but do not care:-(. Some even realize it, care, and enjoy it:-|!? But if you get overwhelmed, you cannot help anyone else, least of all yourself, so yeah, guard your heart, most definitely. Literall nobody else can do it for you (well, they can help though:-).

I want to share with you a phrase that I have always hated: "If you see yourself in others, whom can you harm?" Whoever invented that must have had two loving parents, and can just fuck right off as far as I am concerned for rubbing that in the faces of those of us who did not. Setting that aside, part-way, even if you gave zero thought to your own welfare and cared exclusively for others, you STILL need to take care of yourself, or you will not be able to do that! (for very long) YOU ARE A PEOPLE TOO!!! I really like how the Bible portrays that: "the measuring procedure that you use to levy judgement upon others is the identical process by which you will use to judge yourself". People either suck, in which case you do, or they are worthwhile, in which case... say it with me... you are worthwhile too:-P. I have fought against this every hour of every day of my entire life, but it is True nonetheless. I HATE that thought... but I can't fight physics, or in this case the more relevant part is that it is just how human psychology works. I do not know much, but this is one that I do feel certain about, and I hope sharing these thoughts help you too (and by extension, perhaps me as well?:-P).

I am glad that you are going through such a time of change, to be able to get frissons!:-) I have been closing off so much lately that it will take some time to open up again:-(. But that too... is not a waste of time (except it is, but even so - it is what must be:-). I almost wonder why he says "I'm sorry", b/c it is the Right thing to do, though I get that he does feel guilt for it too, but still there is that nagging thought: is that a slight admission of doubt, that he is not entirely certain that it is the correct path? And like, he could have said "I need to choose Me", but instead he chose the other wording... so I wonder, what does that mean? I am probably over-thinking it, and quite frankly the intricacies hardly matter, b/c the main thing is what it means to you. I am SOOO glad that it gives you peace - b/c yes gurl you NEED to get that!:-)

About me saying that I accomplish Mastery of my Mind, I wanted to be sure that I conveyed that I feel like I cannot win when it becomes a "struggle" - even at best if one side or the other were to totally conquer the opponent, then I overall would lose. So by "giving in to my desires", I mean not fighting it, nor letting it win either, but striving to achieve that Yin/Yang balance of winning when and where most needs to happen at each given moment, the trick being to find what that is. Some things I have practiced enough to have a really good idea of precisely where that line is, while other things I severely struggle on a daily basis to even identify the factors involved. As I suspect we all do, at least those of us who allow ourselves to remain open to adventure rather than falling prey to stagnation.

Hehe, this music is good for other reasons too:-D.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

This is indeed a great perspective:-).

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

Hehe, isn't it fun that we know nothing? Well, whether it is or not, that's just the way it is, so we adapt - it's what we are good at, and all that could ever possibly be done regardless:-P.

People that think (& act) as if their actions do not affect others do so as a result of that CHOICE to act exactly that way - just as those of us who do the opposite do as well. Facts may have little to nothing to do with that choice, except for some very few of us.

As you said also about the choice to be mindful - which is a separate aspect of the choice but that too is also a (meta-?) choice! I feel like I know, somewhat, how to excercise, but I really have no clue how people maintain their mental health. All the more so when it goes beyond "maintenance mode" into actively trying to heal from past wounds. Nor would I trust any resource that said that it knew, unfortunately. e.g., churches say that they know... and who knows, maybe they do? Like people, it would vary according to the individual one.

I do not know if I would say that I am "happy" with myself, but on the other hand I look at others who experience their own pains that are caused from the fruits of their own labors and... yeah, I see that. I often do not want to see that, but I do. I definitely see too much, yet also too little at the same time? As do we all.

Well, I am glad that my problems are amusing to you then - sheesh! (/s, I know you know but to be abundantly clear!:-P)

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