I have never seen those others but damn, that... does not sound good:-|.
I've practically never had a connection issue with Netflix:-). Among the shit-ton of evil companies out there, they are themselves no shining angels but... they don't seem nearly as bad as the rest of them imho.
Tbf Netflix barely managed to accomplish it either, at the start, so it must have been an extremely difficult task. Internet speeds, and more importantly reliability, were huge obstacles, but far more so were the labyrinthine rules and regulations of dealing with the content providers, which are still the top obstacles to people enjoying watching television entertainment today.
This video about it basically launched John Olivier's career in his at-the-time new show Last Week Tonight. If you don't want to watch it all, fast-forward to 4:08 and look at that graph, showing how Netflix was taken hostage from the ISPs for a few months until they caved and paid the additional premiums demanded (as he called it, a "mob shakedown") - though you really may enjoy watching the rest of it after that! (warning to any capitalists that watch it: you might not be by the time you get to the end...:-P)
So... I think I disagree with your language: it wasn't just that they "didn't" so much as they simply "couldn't" manage to get it done, maybe b/c they were not willing to be shitty enough? :-P