[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'd say it has more to do with mismanagement of economies and how that impacted fertility, the consequences of which the population is facing right now rather than islam or melanin, pressed further by climate change, the Ukrainian invasion and covid.

It's just easier to say it's the migrants, rather than the mismanagement of economies to privilege the old and wealthy, all the while migrants are being exploited to support an economic status quo that is unsustainable, since young people are difficult to exploit even further, what with the supporting of an aging population and all. We structured an economy that expected an unending baby boom and since that's impossible, now we have social instability.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

If i didn't have a soldering iron, I'd probably grab a diode or resistor leg, snip it just enough to bridge the gap, press it down on the contacts, use super glue to hold it in place on both sides and the middle until it held and hope the glue doesn't block the contacts.

But this is an extremely shoddy solution and i doubt it will last long. You have to hold it firmly in place or the glue will get underneath the component leg. The user can't let it roll around under the finger. I suggest pressing it against the upper side of the contacts in the picture for leverage. Try it out yourself and see if you can do it. Once you verify with a multimeter you get current through, you can apply more super glue on top between the contacts to give it a little more grip, that may make it hold on for longer. Since it's for a low current application I'm betting just the contact surface of the component leg with the solder blobs underneath will be enough and will not overheat, but i would suggest letting it run a bit just to make sure. You can always make it just a smidge longer in order for the component leg to wrap around the blobs to increase the contact surface, in sort of a C shape.

A soldering iron for students can be pretty cheap and I'm only suggesting this alternative so you have some sort of low cost solution that doesn't involve one. Any diode or resistor will do, really, for like 5 cents and superglue for like 2/3€. Or if you want to put it in a kit just send small snips of tin plated, copper clad steel wire, but depending on how many kits you are manufacturing, it might be more cost effective just to use resistor/diode legs harvested from stuff you've got lying around.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 2 points 4 days ago

And thrown a flashbang into a nearby stroller with a sleeping baby inside.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Hell I'm European and the unwavering support of the genocide in Gaza by Von Der Leyen and other key players in our governments and the brutal crackdown across Europe on pro Palestinian free speech and environmental protesting is making me lose trust in our own governing bodies. I'm with the Global South on this. I'm not proud of what we are accomplishing as of late or the kind of messaging we're putting out on the world. How much genocide is acceptable genocide ? How much protesting crackdown can you do on legitimate issues and still call yourself a free speech country?

I also agree with the arguments put forward regarding the Iraqi invasions. There were no weapons of mass destruction and we should not have been there.

And there are also other issues. The European governments at large seem to have given up on younger generations. How the hell can you even have kids when you're being squeezed this much for basic things like rent and food all across Europe ? How is it that in many places across Europe the youth is being exploited with these unpaid internships just to be allowed a decent job? Seems like most governmental action since covid has been to support the rich and old and neglect the struggling youth. If Europe doesn't want kids, then i won't have kids. That's my protest. Let the rich and old people who get so much solve the fertility issue, I say.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 50 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

They say Hamas are terrorists because they attack innocent civilians and that may be true, but it seems that by the same metric, aren't the IDF also terrorists for attacking innocent civilians in clearly marked vehicles ?

Verily i say more, If we go by how much civilian infrastructure and casualties have been committed, one side is clearly acting more strongly within the definition of terrorist than the other.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 50 points 1 month ago

This provides warmth to the baby from their fathers, which in the case of this cold hearted frigid iceberg of a woman, they will definitely need it.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 78 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Trump would only win if the Democrat party found someone seemingly more inept than him.

I am impressed that the Democrat party managed to present not one, but two outstandingly incompetent candidates. In a row. That's some bottom of the barrel advanced scraping techniques right there. They even managed to get a representation of both sexes.

I'm sure Mr. Biden will be terribly distraught, as soon as he is able to understand what's happening around him at the moment.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 44 points 3 months ago

I'm no anthropologist or anything, but I'm pretty sure the annexation of the West Bank would guarantee a permanent guerilla terrorist force operating within Israel's borders for the foreseeable future. Israel would never know peace. In 200 years they'll probably still trying to snuff out terrorist cells constantly killing civilians.

Just with this war they have created thousands of fresh new volunteers for Hamas both within and outside the general area of the conflict.

The way out of this is more empathy for the Palestinians, not less.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 90 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

"Guys please, can you just ignore the dead children for one minute? They're already dead, it's not like they care anyway.

We're trying to make money here and your empathy for your fellow human beings is just mucking it all up. Please, please try to follow the apolitical rules we laid out and for the duration of the show and just stfu and give us money ok ? That's all we want. Bring the money and leave your messy politics at home. Your complaining makes other people not want to give us more money.

Remember why we're doing this. For culture and money. But mostly money. Thanks!"

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 39 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Speed. High speed trains clock in at 300 km/h, whereas maglev takes you to 600 km/h.

I agree with the above commenter, the EU needs to streamline passenger rights and international connections first, like they did for airtravel, but once that is taken care of, the next step is connecting European capitals on high speed maglev with very few stops.

To give you a sense of what such a transportation system could achieve, you could go from Lisbon to Kiev in 6 hours and a half at 600 km/h. If capitals served as country maglev hubs, we could do away with intra European flights altogether and cut a significant amount of flights to outside of Europe by concentrating the departures.

You could then have a hierarchy of sorts where maglev serves traveling between capitals, high speed between major cities within countries, regional between regions of smaller sparsely populated towns and local trains within cities or between close cities. Ideally if a passenger wanted to travel from a small town into another small town 3000 km away, the service should book all the appropriate hierarchy changes in one ticket.

The issue is that the line would have to be pretty much straight or have very shallow curves, due to the speed, so it would take a TON of land buying. That's complicated enough as it is without even considering the NIMBYs.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 48 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

What's the first indicator a scientist tried to build their own experiment using the soldering station ?

The smell of burnt fingers.

What's the scientist waiting for sitting in front of their own experiment ?

Waiting for the infinite loop they coded to finish after they claimed they didn't need the engineer's help to write the code in their experiment.

How many scientists do you need to change a light bulb ?

Theoretically just one, but it can take several until one of them can call an engineer and admit they only know how to change light bulbs theoretically.

What does a scientist call an electrolytic capacitor ?

Acid distribution subsystem.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 70 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

A 9/11, a Pearl Harbor, a Holocaust even. Some people are already classifying it as a mass extinction event. Read here why those festival goers are aptly compared to the dinosaurs.

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