Hi all

I'm using barefoot shoes for a few years now, and was amazed by how comfortable they are for me.

I remember each time when buying new shoes that I would have blisters and pain for at least two weeks.

When I bought barefoot shoes, I expected to need a few months to get adjusted to them. But they felt comfortable from the very beginning! (maybe because I used to walk on my toes during my childhood, even got support soles for that, but didn't really help)

More recently, I participated in a 100km within 24h walk. I expected to fail because it was the first time I was participating in a challenge like this, but I made it!

Obviously I was tired and the last part was quite difficult still. But I was amazed that I managed to walk for more the first 50km without any discomfort or blisters.


I'm using Nixos 24.05 on my asus zenbook 14 and the scroll speed of the touchpad is rather high.

Is there any way to adjust it from the config? I don't see an option in gnome/wayland


I recently bought an asus zenbook 14 (AMD version) and the scroll speed of the touch pad is quite fast.

Does anybody know how to change this?

I'm using Nixos 24.05, Gnome/Wayland

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 16 points 2 months ago

Yeah. That’s often something I also have difficulties with.

I can deal with working, or I can do chores, cook, administration and keeping home.

But i can’t seem to do both.

If I’m working full time, I just don’t have the energy left to deal with these tasks. Which also quickly drops my energy further as now I’m eating less healthy, not keeping up with bills and living in a messy environment.

It’s hard to deal with. I’m lucky I can still last some time without working, but it won’t last forever. A few months at most.

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 11 points 2 months ago

How do you do this at work though? Is nobody going to find it strange or all about it when you take such a break?

And how to actually have the break if you are in a busy/loud/uncomfortable environment?

I think i could build in some more breaks when working from home, but at work it’s almost impossible. I just don’t feel safe/comfortable at work, so I can’t really take a proper break.

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 12 points 2 months ago

Usually I work pretty regular hours 9-5/6. I find it difficult to cope with the fact that so many hours in a day are dedicated to working for somebody else, so i find it even harder to spend more time on maintenance activities to compensate for the fact that I’m working all day.

I’m really impressed by people that go to the gym early morning or straight after work.

Currently not working though. So I could easily fit in some exercise, but keeping the routine after going back to work is always the difficult part.

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 11 points 2 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion.

I can’t say I’m really doing a lot of sports. But I do hike a lot these days (the advantage is not having a job atm)

Usually I don’t feel much difference though. (Apart from physical tiredness and my skin feeling burned and dry, I dont deal well with the sun)

Do you think high intensity exercise will make a big difference? I’m a bit scared I’ll do something wrong since I quickly start feeling pain in my neck or knees when doing exercise.

So difficult to tell how much is too much, but still so enough to benefit from it.


I feel so tired after half a day of work, never mind working a full day. After a couple of weeks of this, when i get home, i have no energy left for anything. Even things I usually enjoy.

Everything feels like a drag at that point and I can’t seem to do anything to improve this.

Doing this for a few more months usually ends up with me having to quit my job or i will get so tired and sick I can’t do anything anymore.

How to deal with this?

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 8 points 3 months ago

Yeah, I’m already helping on a local farm. But i don’t think I’ll find any leads for a job from the people there (i mostly do tutoring and software engineering)

I’m not sure what would be good other places to volunteer. A museum maybe?

I tend to be kinda superficial with people i don’t know though. I would love to be better at getting to know people and making friends.


I recently moved to a new city and don’t know anybody here yet.

I want to try out some things and meet new people and avoid sitting at home all day (but sometimes is ok)

My ideas are hiking, volunteering and reading. What would you recommend? Any good ideas?

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 9 points 3 months ago

Ublacklist works with searx? Good to know, I want to try this myself.

Your search results must be so clean and useful.


This is the reply:

As a model running through DuckDuckGo's privacy layer, I can provide you with accurate information about their privacy features.

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that prioritizes user privacy. They have a strong commitment to protecting user data and have implemented various measures to ensure anonymity. Here are some key aspects of their privacy features:

  • No tracking: DuckDuckGo does not track users' searches, browsing history, or any other personal information.
  • No personal data collection: They do not collect or store any personal data, including IP addresses, user agents, or other identifiable information.
  • Encrypted searches: Searches are encrypted, which means that even your ISP or network administrators cannot see what you're searching for.
  • No targeted ads: DuckDuckGo does not display targeted ads, which reduces the risk of data collection and profiling.

Regarding cases where DuckDuckGo's privacy was questioned, there have been a few instances:

  • 2011: DuckDuckGo was criticized for using Amazon Associates, which could potentially track user behavior. However, they quickly addressed the issue and removed the affiliate program.
  • 2019: A security researcher discovered a bug in DuckDuckGo's browser extension that could potentially leak user data. The issue was promptly fixed, and an audit was conducted to ensure the security of their systems.
  • 2020: DuckDuckGo faced criticism for using Microsoft's Bing API, which some argued could compromise user privacy. However, DuckDuckGo clarified that they do not share user data with Microsoft and that their partnership is limited to search results.

It's essential to note that DuckDuckGo has consistently demonstrated a commitment to user privacy and has taken steps to address any concerns or issues that have arisen. They are transparent about their practices and have implemented robust measures to protect user data.

If you have any more questions or concerns about DuckDuckGo's privacy features, feel free to ask!

Is anybody using duckduckgo over searx or other search engines? What is your experience?


I download and store music in my home folder for my desktop user, but also would like to share it with my jellyfin server, but obviously I cannot select a folder from my home folder as a library folder.

Is there any simple and clean way to make this folder available on a server?

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 8 points 3 months ago

I have the opposite problem actually. I feel like I'm not thinking much at all (probably from a continuous shutdown) During these moments, constantly thinking and feeling seems like an improvement.

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 18 points 3 months ago

'Why don't you try being more happy?' <- actual advice given by family members. 🤦

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 10 points 3 months ago

You're spot on. I don't even notice it myself. But during these kind of days, I always just sit at home and do nothing. I like walking actually, but for some reason my motivation for that drops as well and then I don't feel like going outside either. But it always helps, even if I don't feel like it.

I'd love to have a dog or cat at home, but I don't think I have the financial means at the moment. And I don't want to get one if I don't think I'll be able to take care of it properly.

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 15 points 3 months ago

Sometimes it's pretty clear, but other times it feels like I had a great week and then suddenly I don't feel like doing anything anymore.

Never heard of 'girlrot' before, learned something new :) It's definitely a good description of what i'll end up doing most of these times.


Occasionally I have these days where I don't feel like doing work or chores. So I'm thinking, why not just enjoy myself, do something that interests me?

But then I don't find any motivation to do anything really. Not even the things I normally enjoy very much.

Typically I would then waste time browsing or watching videos, but that seems to make it worse. How to snap out of this?

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 10 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I'm getting older now and still feel I never really had a genuine connection with somebody else. How to work on this?


Hey all

I've been playing a bit of Noita in my spare time, and i'm enjoying it a lot thus far.

I got to the icy floor and manage to survive pretty well. But at some point I feel like I'm not able to kill enemies fast enough anymore. And the wands I find or bought at this stage don't seem to be good enough to put on some decent spells.

Should I be trying out some alternative strategies, or go to a different location? I know there is a lot to explore, but not sure where to start. I also don't seem to find a lot of options for digging, even though this seems necessary if I want to go back up.

Thanks for your help!

[-] NationProtons@sh.itjust.works 23 points 4 months ago

Man, I wish there were more people around me who cared about discussing Linux and open source software. Only one person I know actually understands it, but he’s still running windows for games and programming.

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