Lass einfach gar kein Ziele mehr setzen, für die Umsetzung muss man ja was tun und das ist viel Arbeit.
Yeah I did it the other day on my lunch break.
Well, the F16 is called Prius and shooting down the F16 with an RPG is called grabbing McD from the drive through window. But you know, I was really far from the window and had to open the door to step out with one foot.
By extension, air cooling is global thermal mass cooling, which, by extension is radiative cooling, which by extension is universal entropy cooling or whatever you'd call that.
An die ganzen Auto-/Individualverkehrs-Hater: ein grosser Teil der "Kosten" ist Wertverlust der Karre. Das macht natürlich nur bedingt Sinn. Marktwert ist ja für nen Privatnutzer nicht dasselbe wie Nutzwert.
An die Öffi-Hater: Ich hab Arbeitskollegen, die kommen locker auf € 500 den Monat, tatsächliche Kosten. Man frage sich, warum die nicht mit dem Zug ins Büro kommen, bzw. warum die überhaupt jeden Tag ins Büro wollen. Zum Teil sind deren Zugverbindungen eh schneller, aber dann müsste man ja erste Klasse lösen, "in der Zweiten setz ich mich sicher nicht hin".
China gewinnt halt momentan das 21. Jahrhundert. Ist ja nicht schlimm, die machen zum Teil super Sachen, zum Teil auch super Scheiss, aber das gilt doch für jedes Land.
Hier in der Schweiz hab ich kürzlich Black November gesehen. Irgendwie macht das doch auch als Geschäft gar keinen Sinn mehr. Kein Reiz, schnell zu agieren und jeder weis bescheid, niemals ist das deutlich günstiger als sonst.
Edit: Galaxus (gibt's ja mittlerweile auch in DE) hat ne Black Friday Week???
Ich finde, man könnte dementsprechend Jahreszeiten-basierte Preise machen. Green spring: Alle Produkte sind überall um 10% teurer aber 10% rabattiert. Red Summer: Alles ist 3 für 2 aber 2 kosten so viel wie sonst 3. Orange Fall: Alles ist 80% reduziert, man ist aber dazu verpflichtet 5 zu kaufen und 4 zurückzugeben. White Winter: Die Preisschilder sind einfach weiß auf weiß.
Gebügeltes Hemd und Hosenfalt sieht schon gut aus. Das mach ich aber etwa alle 3 Jahre mal und dann geh ich zu Mammer bügeln. Ausserdem gibt's mittlerweile Hosen mit Falt, die liegen auch ohne Bügeln gut.
Ein liebevolles ❓❓❓❓ an dich
The median house proce in Oklahoma is super low. Try finding a home in the west.
20k will not get you a 3 bedroom home. Do you by chance live in West Virginia? Their median home values is under 200k, and even then, 20k won't get you there. Trust me homeboy, 20k will not get you far, not even in the cheapest of regions.
The median US house value is 430k. The lowest legal downpayment is 3%, but that's plain stupid. Financially, anything under 20% makes no sense. Your mortgage will be super high and you'll have to pay for morgage insurance which you don't have to do if you do a downpayment above 20%.
Also, if it's so cheap and easy to buy a house, why isn't everyone buying a house right now? The majority of millenials and forward are renting and you're telling me half a year of rent is enough for them to get a house? Clearly they would have figured that one out by now.
Just so you understand my living standards. I do not own a car at all. I could financially afford one, but that wouldn't be a sensible investment.
I can't say I had such a civilized discussion on reddit. At least I can't remember. Typical reddit discussions always felt a bit more filled with emotion, maybe hatred. Lots of shitposting too. Might have to do something with the more targeted demographic of Lemmy.
Something being a business model actually doesn't mean it's right. Dropshipping exists after all. Paying everyone for their services can't be a viable solution either. The main business model here usually consists of "pay to upgrade". If you don't pay, it kinda works. If you do want to pay, it works really well. BitWarden is my personal hero in that regard. Their product works really well as freeware. It works even better when you pay for it. But I believe many paying users don't even need the additional functionality, they just pay to give something back. Moral retribution so to speak.
I see how blocking ads on freeware isn't morally wrong, I mean there's not much that's universally immoral. It's quite the topic in ethics, deontology says some acts are universally bad or universally good, no matter the consequences. A common example is honesty: being honest is always good, but I'm sure you thought of a dozen examples where honesty might not be the "good" way.
I still do agree with you. Blocking ads in specific instances can be completely fine. I mean we could construct setups where not blocking ads might lead to nuclear war. But I truly believe that it's fine in everyday use. You don't wanna see ads, they annoy you, you don't feel like paying with your time and brain cells. An individual avoiding ads is so inconsequential for everyone else involved, utilitaristically, that's a net gain of happines. On the other hand, ethics is not a study about individual actions, that's morals. I don't believe that any ethics could realistically support such a choice in the grand scheme. Assuming everyone acts by those rules, buying advert slots is wasted money.
Luckily we are indiviudals and like you said a day ago, there's enough people paying their taxes for you to evade them without consequences for either party.
I, in this instance, decided it's not about the company per se, it's more about the individual action. I'm no sucker for Nestlé, but you can't argue that they don't do good things as well. They are quite the big player in vegan meat alternatives and they actually do seem to put in quite the work to make sensible products in said category. They superficially seem to be sustainable and healthier than many other comparable products. Even if that's not true, even if their products are shipped around the globe eleven times a day, it's pushing for something that's ecologically sensible. If they themselves don't produce an ecological product, they still help to establish shelf space for other, more ecological products. So yeah, I'd buy a Nestlé product in that case. Even just to show Nestlé and the stores that such a product is in demand.
There's other scenarios where I don't act by the same logic simply because I'm a human and humans aren't known for being all that logical after all.
I'm a capitalist consumer and I greatly profit from my financial situation each and every day. I do live in a way too big apartment after all, and plans for individual housing are on the way. Not very ethical in the grand scheme xD
ITT: "it costs more than 5 bucks a month!" yeah, if you don't share with friends with family, it does. Also, music service included, deduct your spotify payment.
"You can just block ads" You can just miss the whole point.
"I rather support creators directly" I'm happy you do that. YouTube hosting is not free for Google/Alphabet, pay them too, or you'll have to teach each and every creator how to webhost + help em search a "real job" because selfhosted won't pay enough. Also, good fun browsing videos then.
IDK man, paying for YT Premium really isn't that bad. Assuming you already consume YouTube content, that is. And I'm pretty sure that's like 98% of first world population between 4 and 70.
Blocking ads on YouTube is no sustainable solution. Hosting Billions of Gigabytes of on-demand content is SUPER expensive. Like, it actually costs money. Other, wayyy smaller indie creator on-demand video platforms charge 5 bucks a month, but i'ts okay if they do it, because they aren't big bad Alphabet.
If that's your view, you don't have a problem with pricing, you have a problem with morals. And if you still do voluntarily consume YouTube content in private, with or without ads in any which way, you inarguably have a huge problem with your own morals.
YouTube premium is a good deal. It's priced very well compared with competition, it actually does pay indie creators and it let's you access to features that many users really do use.
BUTBUT THEY ARTIFICIALLY LIMIT FEATURES FOR NO REASON WITHOUT PREMIUM. I mean, it's subscription software and streaming, what else would they do? Every for profit subscription software provider and their mother does this. I develop hospital software and we literally do exactly this. If hospital A has feature x and hospital B also wants that, we don't just hand that out for free even when we just have to add it to their system in like 10 minutes... what did you expect? They already use our software (like you use YouTube), we don't have a huge incentive to just randomly add features if nobody paid for it. If we do, be happy about it, send me a gift card, if we or they don't, that's just business.