Kompromiss: Din-A Format?
Also 1:√2
Also mir gefällts 👍 Das wäre doch was für Vexillology oder?
Und was ist der Plan?
The "Picard Maneuver", (TNG, Season
1, Episode 9
is a short warp jump that causes the enemy vessel's light-speed limited sensors to detect your ship in 2 positions at once.
Edit: Sry, I am to dumb to use spoiler correctly
I come from a region of germany with a lot of nazis and you can put almost anyone in that region into 4 categories:
- Nazis, right wing, ...
- LGBTQ, left wing, ...
- Christians
- People who dont care
With Christians I mean not every christian, but people who really live that out 100%.
Depending on the region this can have different consequences.
In my region the church helped refugees and at least cares a little bit about the environment.
While this isn't the case everywhere and so on, the Christians are a group seperate to the nazis in my region.
And since there are way too many nazis in my region, I will not make myself the Christians as enemys.
"Not Nazi" has to be enough in these circumstances.
Jetzt mal ohne Ostalgie und Verharmlosung von all den schlimmen Dingen in der DDR: "Auferstanden aus Ruinen" ist schon eine schöne Hymne.
"Lass das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
Dass nie eine Mutter mehr,
Ihren Sohn beweint
Ihren Sohn beweint."