The mugato was an excellent choice!
The intent behind my original reply was to complain and hope for a change in how dark recent Trek shows have been, except SNW. I know we all have our favorites; I'm just not at all a fan of this trend of the bad guys being cool in Star Trek. Again, in Star Trek. The casts, the acting, the production are all great and I'm glad more Trek exists; I, personally, just wish it was a bit more shiny.
Do I want those shows not to exist in the first place? No. I just don't rewatch them like I do others, thus I don't care to make pumpkins about starring characters who are not the characters I'd want in humanity's future.
That's great! My original en-edited reply congratulated you, but then I thought, "This is the internet. Burrito Trucks can't carve pumpkins...." LOL
My favorite is the Mugato.
Fair point and well done (to the artists)!!
How about we carve a Spock or Picard or Mariner or really anyone else who isn't a genocidal dictator? Hmm? Maybe?
No? Perhaps my dream for Star Trek has too much hope for humanity's future? Not enough grit, tears, and flashy booms?
I wonder if the "14th" is a typo and/or if the "21st" will be kept as the end date, considering this was posted today (2024 Oct 17).
Agreed. I would have loved to have that kind of callback to the story.
That was a lot of fun to watch. Thanks for providing the links to the various segments!
October 17th, 2024 (8am PT) to November 7th, 2024 (12pm PT)
- Grand Prize: Beowulf's Blade (account-wide), 3x Featured TFO Reward Boxes, 25,000 Dilithium Ore
- Earn Progress with Cat's Tale TFO, Delving the Castle Patrols
Fair point! I think you're spot on with the quality of the episodes (as game pieces) themselves. Story, meh, but game design/graphics, wow!
We'll see what happens. As the famous trombone player said, "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."
Well said. And it's been an enjoyable journey throughout.
Some of the stories have been lackluster here and there, but that in itself is Star Trek. Not every show/game/story is going to be for everyone, yet beautifully all are welcome as trekkers/trekkies.
I second many of your points. And, also...
Had me immediately thinking, "Well, STO vanity shields are canon now, I guess."