I mean it's definitely not illegal. Not gonna argue the other part, though.
Methheada, the scavenger queen.
Idk what that drink is but anything involving that much lime has got to be good.
My apologies but I know not your strange Elven language.
I'll have to try it that way. I usually crack a couple of eggs in the pot while cooking. Holds the broth and makes it more filling.
Ramen is also a good vehicle, depending on the leftovers.
I mean there hasn't been any at scale fraud of electronic machines. All of the Ambulatory Tupee's claims have been shown to be false.
"Things I don't understand make me scared!"
Nice to see Jesse mentioned. I love his entire sphere of friends.
Is this actually entertaining to you? Playing at being a pretentious snob sounds pretty boring and sad to me.
Fewer than 5% of adult cats have a driver's license.
I don't understand. That's how everyone looks when I'm around.