And like the Catholic Church, they have sexual assault scandals
joined 2 years ago
In which a Eugenicist Effective Altruist advocates becoming a cuckold for the greater good
I see it as Nerd Identity politics, their entire self-image is wrapped up in being a nerd so everything gets evaluated solely on whether it increases or decreases the power and status of nerds in society.
My personal conspiracy theory (not sure if I actually believe this yet):
The idea that people would use generative AI to make SEO easier (and thus make search engine results worse) was not an unfortunate side effect of generative AI, it was the entire purpose. It's no coincidence that OpenAI teamed up with Google's biggest rival in search engines; we're now seeing an arms race between tech giants using spambot generators to overwhelm the enemy's filters.
The decision to make chatGPT public was not about concern for openness (if it was they would have made the earlier versions of GPT public too), it's more that they had a business partner lined up and Google search had become enshittified enough that they thought they could pull off a successful "disruption".