Glad to hear it isn’t always the case
If you want to downvote a whole community fine. But it’s kind of absurd to then complain about getting banned lol.
I mean I get it’s annoying. I also think “carnivore diet” is just a dumb grift like “raw milk” or whatever. But I don’t think you have a right to complain here. Someone created a community for people following this diet, it’s obvious they will ban anyone like you who is vocally opposed to the diet.
If in the next decade Ruzzia and America form an AXIS like alliance to take over more territory I won’t be surprised.
Me whose phone is too old to update to the new ios: “hahahha, finally an advantage to my low income”
My friend told me in 3 years he had to buy 3 different batteries.
I get that, but as someone on a currently near 8 year old phone, I’ve been told by friends the fairphone will barely last half that long :/.
Isn’t fair phone a for profit company? If it is, doesn’t change much.
If it is a non-profit, then that’s even better, lets get some philanthropist on it.
Tain c’est joli au final.
Can some investor pour 100 million or something into fairphone so the phones actually become good?
I mean that’s biology. We can do some pretty cool stuff, but we just don’t understand how so much in the human body works. It’s so fucking complex.
Believe it or not, I can both think the carnivore diet is dangerous and dumb (not to mention terrible for the environment) and also think your behaviour isn’t acceptable.