
joined 1 year ago
[–] FightMilk 4 points 1 year ago

McGill Law

Damn, kid was a good student too. Was probably doing everything he was supposed to and having some nerdy fun along the way, and people just had to be pricks to the poor kid.

[–] FightMilk 12 points 1 year ago

If he made it today he’d get buried in /new. The internet was a different place back then, we talked about the same funny video for months.

[–] FightMilk 2 points 1 year ago

It depends on context, and I think most people realize this intuitively. If you put pumpkin in somebody's berry smoothie they're going to be pissed no matter what the scientific community says lol. It's the kind of thing that only matters for trivia.

And honestly science appropriated the term from common parlance, not the other way around. So a layperson could just as easily walk into a botany lab and say "fun fact, these actually are berries" and be completely correct.

[–] FightMilk 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Is that really how bans work? The admins of can’t ban a user from commenting in their communities? I’m pretty sure if you get banned your participation in that community is over no matter what instance you’re on.

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